Here's the car I been looking at. 59 Lincoln Capri. Still has motor n tranny but needs rebuilt. Body n frame is pretty solid. Interior n carpet needs attention. Looks like pass front n rear side windows broke.
Plans carpet or scrub this. New seats or good seat covers...nice rims n tires...big block n new tranny...slam it n drive her!
Take a look at pics n tell me if it seems like a nice start. Tnx...rr
oh yea...clear title and getting it for bout 900-1000 bucks
Plans carpet or scrub this. New seats or good seat covers...nice rims n tires...big block n new tranny...slam it n drive her!
Take a look at pics n tell me if it seems like a nice start. Tnx...rr
oh yea...clear title and getting it for bout 900-1000 bucks