hairbrained invention NO 3958674737

Rat Rods Rule

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Motor mouth ratchet jaw!
Nov 15, 2009
helifino USA
since lily needs a ton of exercise and i cant run 30 mph
i cobbled this together
the blue thing is her harness
she LOVES being able to run and have me at her side the whole time.
she took to it instantly
this is one of those ideas that really works great.

besides, i get to cruise my groovy vintage trike i recently rebuilt around
dig them crazy whitewalls ;)
If you live in a place where there are crazies, be careful who sees you use this. I heard of a case where a man with a dog who wanted to run took him out with his car, because he himself could not run anywhere near as fast as the dog wanted to run. People came unglued about him being cruel, when the dog was enjoying it to no end. (We had a dog who would run along the road, inside the fence row, and he could do 30 miles an hour for a quarter mile - the distance from my grandparents house to ours. He would also go back toward the back of the property, and then take off toward the road when a vehicle reached a certain point along the road. This was amazing to us, because he had the concept of comparing two trajectories which were not parallel. This was all out in the country, before all of the laws about not letting a dog off of a leash.)
If you live in a place where there are crazies, be careful who sees you use this. I heard of a case where a man with a dog who wanted to run took him out with his car, because he himself could not run anywhere near as fast as the dog wanted to run. People came unglued about him being cruel, when the dog was enjoying it to no end. (We had a dog who would run along the road, inside the fence row, and he could do 30 miles an hour for a quarter mile - the distance from my grandparents house to ours. He would also go back toward the back of the property, and then take off toward the road when a vehicle reached a certain point along the road. This was amazing to us, because he had the concept of comparing two trajectories which were not parallel. This was all out in the country, before all of the laws about not letting a dog off of a leash.)

i aint worried.
if somebody tried giving me a ration of crap about it.
id be in trouble for pistol whipping them
i might still put an electric motor on it.
just keep researching until i find the right thing that is super cheap
i have one of them bikes too. if you can ride that thing till your dog gets tired then your in a lot better shape then i am, and i'm working out every day. maybe i need to ride mine to get in better shape.
My first Cattle Dog loved to run. So I used to hook him to his leash and ride my bike while he ran beside me. He soon learned that when the tire starts to rub his butt he needs to move over a little ;)
He loved to go for a run everyday. Great way to exercise your dog, and not kill yourself in the process.
hope you have good brakes....

had a buddy who took his dog for a run ... he used his old skateboard and held the leash..

he had a ball right up until the dog went straight across a main road instead of turning left... hard work stopping a Rottweiler...

definitely can see the advantage of your classic piece of cycling history !!
not all of my inventions are smashing successes.
my JATO assisted pogo stick didn't turn out quite like I hoped
but that wasn't my fault.
a bee got in my helmet.
i have one of them bikes too. if you can ride that thing till your dog gets tired then your in a lot better shape then i am, and i'm working out every day. maybe i need to ride mine to get in better shape.

i would have to ride 15 or 20 miles to really tire her out.
but a 20 block cruise takes the edge off of her rowdyness.
going at a sedate pace makes her trot
and i have some long gentle hills we go down so that she gets about an 8 block run
i moved the pipe to the top of the crate so that the taller pup can hopefully use it. he isnt as smart as lily but god how i love that goofball
I was helping a friend in Anchorage exercise his sled dogs. He got the bright idea to tie one to a 10 speed. It went pretty well until said sled dog decided to run after another dog. Curb abruptly ended the ride of the human and some loss of blood. By the time we got him chased down, said 10 speed was in a sad disarray.
not all of my inventions are smashing successes.
my JATO assisted pogo stick didn't turn out quite like I hoped
but that wasn't my fault.
a bee got in my helmet.

lol awsome

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