He got taken advantage of at $5275.00 however, you will not get hurt by giving $900 for it.
My vote is; I'd do it.
I agree that $5275 seems awfully high for this engine, but in reality, who cares what he paid for this engine in 1998?! Its only worth what someone is willing to pay for it

He seemed quite obliged to let me look at anything I asked to see and I dont feel he is hiding anything.
I have a deposit into him to hold the engine till later today after I get done calling around and talking to a few peole about it.
I had asked him if he knew what cam was in it and what grind was used, but it was so long ago, he doesn't remember and the receipts dont show this info.
My thinking is to pick up the engine from him, then take it to a shop and let them tear it down and go through it to make sure everything is good, and identify all the parts and pieces inside.
With 8:1 Compression ratio, it seems low, but he has heads made for a 440 (?) on this block and they have been milled down to try to bump that up but 8:1 was the best they could get. He think it has dished pistons in it, so I think I could opt for a different piston (flat top?) to gain a bot more.
Then again, 8:1 seems like a good place for a supercharger