Reason 4 we didn't get much rain at all not sure but I'd say less than a quarter of an inch. We did lose power for 4 hrs i wasn't happy about that it was starting to get hot lol
I don't know if any of this has to do with Fay or not but we have been hammered all morning long today by tornadoes, we had a few yesterday afternoon, but this morning has (and still is as I type) been terrible!
Aren't you guys out of the Atlanta area? I just was there Saturday and Sunday to pick up parts from Ratty 46, and on the way up on Saturday the National Weather Service came on the radio with that annoying alarm and said there were a line of 8 tornados moving across Lake City Florida (up near Georgia). I was in rain that was like soup and a minute later I saw a road sign that read "Lake City Exit" I never saw a tornado, but we could only go about 35 MPH with flashers on for hours.
We are all OK here in Montgomery, but it was rough waking up to the tornado siren.......Have you guys ever tried to hit the SNOOZE button for those....
We are in Montgomery, Alabama
The tornadoes have been all over the place! Our little weather radar they keep on the bottom right of the tv screen has been lit up all morning long and yesterday too, Saturday we had *alot* of rain and *huge* gusts of wind and tornadoes ever since.
Fay needs to get the h*ll outta here! I am sure y'all have screamed that more than once down there in Fla.!
My uncle lives in Key West, I haven't checked on him yet... I know...that's just terrible of me...