Honesty in advertising?

Rat Rods Rule

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Skull Master
May 11, 2007
Fruita, Colorado
I just got back from a two hour drive, to look at a 1975 olds. The Craigs list ad said,

"1975 Olds Ninety-Eight for sale-$1000. 455 engine. Green interior, white exterior with green top. Interior in great condition besides front door armrests. Exterior has some chipping, a little cracking on top piece. Only 131,000 miles. Something is draining the battery, other than that runs like a charm. My guess is an easy fix. Great car, extremely smooth ride."

I called the guy, and among other things, he tells me to bring a battery so I can drive it, when I get there.
My son is looking for a donor car for a rat, and a 455 would be a cool motor.
So we load up and head that way. When we get there we were surprised to see it sitting on four very low tires, and water marks on the lower side of the white walls. Even more surprised to see the June of 2008 tags on the car.
So I asked how long since it has been driven, and they say, "last year".
I pointed out the tags and they say "well, maybe it has been a little longer since it was started, probably sometime before the tags expired."
The battery was a side post, and I brought a top post, but it didn't matter. I checked the oil, and it was like tar, and was at 1.5 qts low on the stick. The tires had wires sticking out, and the radiator was sitting about 1/2 full. When I pulled off the air cleaner, and worked the throttle, it was obvious, that the gas had turned to varnish. All the hoses were cracked, and the gaskets througout the motor were leaking. They told me it had just been serviced before it was parked. ( so where did all the fluids go?)
In my dissapointment, I offered $500.00 They said no way, they could get more than that from scrapping it out. They then told me the 455 was worth $1200 alone. They hung tight to the $1000.00, and I walked away. At 500 it was a toss up, but I would have to come back with a trailer, and then the real work would start.
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usually what was stated in the ad is BS and 'rare' is tossed around like it makes it worth more.

ya, 1975 AMC 4 door wagon or the 1936 whatchmacallit may be rare, but ain't worth much, especially if they don't run, rusted out real bad or both.

Later :cool:
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I think I owned that car 23 or so years ago. I have seen it up a couple of times and the price keeps coming down. the crusher on that would bring about $500.00 here in GJ.The body alone about $200 to $250. I would say in 2 weeks price will go down again.
That kind of thing agrravates me. Can't people just give an honest description of their wares? I would think a person would be more apt to sell an item if the potential customer had a fair description before arriving to see it.
When I was looking for a new daily driver I saw an ad that read something to the effect of "Grandma's car, very low miles, non smoker, etc etc etc". I called and they told me that Grandma had gotten too old to drive so they were selling her mint car. I drove an hour to see it and when I got there I thought we were talking about two different cars ! :eek: There were dents everywhere, even on the roof :)confused:) and the check engine light was on. They said they had that checked and the mechanic said to put some tape over the light so you couldn't see it. :rolleyes:Grandma must have been a demolishion driver.

I guess some people feel if you come out you might just buy it so why tell you how bad it really is. :mad:

You may get it at $500. I do it all the time make and offer and walk away. You would be surprise how many time you will get a call asking if you are still interested in the car.

That my way of doing business.

As for honesty in adverting. that went out the window years ago. If I got to travel to see a car I will ask for more pictures and pictures of area I know could be an issue. That way I can get a good idea if the car is worth going after.

I never talk price over the phone and never act like I real need this car in front of the seller.

A few year back I traveled 6 hours with my buddy for a 1936 dodge street rod that looked good by pictures. But when we got there the house in the picture was not look like the we were at. Which though up a flag. Then you talk to the guy and he open the garage my eye could not believe what they were seeing. The paint on the car was faded and checked. The interior looked like some one was living in it. It did not the same car. Here the picture he sent of the car were 12 years old. My buddy face got red and he wanted to kill him. So we had to drive back 6 hours with an empty trailer.
Been shoping for another Harley on craigslist. First question I ask is "Do you have a clear title?" They say yes but when I get there the story is "My brother has the title, I can get it in a couple days and mail it to you." or I'll give you a bill of sale "title is easy to get" ..yeah , well if the title is easy to get why don't you have one? Wasted trip!!:mad:
FOR SALE: Rare 1987 Ford F150 /w 300I6. Asking 3 times what it's worth because I think what I own is gold and I want to waste your time on the chance that you might be stupid enough to buy it after seeing it. It's 'rare' because usually a truck this far gone has already been sent to the crusher! Has new brakes and fresh tune up less than 3 (maybe 5) years ago. Runs great once you get it started. If asked, I can email some really crappy cell phone pictures that show absolutely nothing!

THAT kind of honesty??? :D
Been shoping for another Harley on craigslist. First question I ask is "Do you have a clear title?" They say yes but when I get there the story is "My brother has the title, I can get it in a couple days and mail it to you." or I'll give you a bill of sale "title is easy to get" ..yeah , well if the title is easy to get why don't you have one? Wasted trip!!:mad:

Don't believe that one. I have a harley in the shop right now were the guy said his mother had the title at her house. So I held $500 and guess what 5 years later I still don't have the title.

On other things about Harley title. Per 1970 and 1972 titles the number must match the numbers on the engine. 1970 on up except 1972 the number must match the frame (neck area on the right side). One other thing with harley the Number 8 looks like and hour glass if not walk away. anyone tell you different they are lying. Harley are the worst bike to get straighten out if there an issue with the title. A lot get stolen and title co. don't even want to get involved with harley.

Make sure any Harley has a clear NUMBER matching title.
Just thought I would post this to help you and any others buying a harly
We had a similar experience about 6 or 7 years ago. I bid and won on a 40 Ford pickup cab on Ebay. It was described as being very clean, little rust, and the pictures looked good. We drove 13 hours to Shreveport LA and when we got there it was a rust bucket. I told him we were going to pass on it and that he could put in bad feedback or whatever, I didn't care.

It was the only Ebay deal I ever backed out of, but it had huge rust holes in places you couldn't fix. We ended up driving back 13 hours more with an empty trailer and mad as h***.:mad:

Some people don't know what they've got to begin with, and hang on to the fantasy that the car has value. Then they write these fluffy white ads to support the fantasy.

The ad should read something like this.

1975 Olds 98. Horrific green color. Interior was white, now yellow. Clapped out 455. Not running. Tires shot. Get this piece of crap off my driveway. Will accept 10 cents/lb OBO.

In what world is a 190hp smogger 455 worth $1200? Only 131,000 miles? Ha! Because it can't go 131,001.

For sale. 1974 Pinto. Rare. Never in a rear collision. Some front end damage. Perfect for restoration. You won't find another one like it. $5000 firm. :D
FOR SALE: Nice t-bucket built by famous Cali builder. Car is chick magnet! Absolute best of everything! Call for more information, ask for Don!!! :D:eek:[ddd
Some people don't know what they've got to begin with, and hang on to the fantasy that the car has value. Then they write these fluffy white ads to support the fantasy.

The ad should read something like this.

1975 Olds 98. Horrific green color. Interior was white, now yellow. Clapped out 455. Not running. Tires shot. Get this piece of crap off my driveway. Will accept 10 cents/lb OBO.

In what world is a 190hp smogger 455 worth $1200? Only 131,000 miles? Ha! Because it can't go 131,001.

For sale. 1974 Pinto. Rare. Never in a rear collision. Some front end damage. Perfect for restoration. You won't find another one like it. $5000 firm. :D

Do you still have the Pinto for sale:D
FOR SALE: Nice t-bucket built by famous Cali builder. Car is chick magnet! Absolute best of everything! Call for more information, ask for Don!!! :D:eek:[ddd

Got any pictures?

Yes... I have a picture of a beautiful girl laying down in it on the beach but it may not be appropriate for this forum. You know how delicious those Cali beach bunnies are!!! :eek::eek::eek:
Do you still have the Pinto for sale:D

No. I was backing it out of the shop today, and the massive torque surprised me. Smashed into my priceless 78 AMC Matador, burst into flames, and burned both cars to the ground. I was lucky to survive. I did have time to move my irreplaceable 82 Chevette out of harm's way. That car is not for sale at any price. :D

Oh, look at that. Post # 283. One of my favorite numbers.

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No. I was backing it out of the shop today, and the massive torque surprised me. Smashed into my priceless 78 AMC Matador, burst into flames, and burned both cars to the ground. I was lucky to survive. I did have time to move my irreplaceable 82 Chevette out of harm's way. That car is not for sale at any price. :D

Oh, look at that. Post # 283. One of my favorite numbers.


For Sale one Pinto. Recent bodywork and paint removed. Ready for fresh paint and a new owner:D
FOR SALE: Nice t-bucket built by famous Cali builder. Car is chick magnet! Absolute best of everything! Call for more information, ask for Don!!! :D:eek:[ddd

You forgot the part about Gene Winfield, Bill Hines, and George Barris coming over for beer and helping out during the build. Geeesh, get it right, Tripper. :D:D


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