He's not done yet...
Just curious how many guys on here TIG weld??? Do you have your own TIG or just access to one? Thinking of getting one just curious what I should look for if I wanted to buy one.
The only thing I don't like about the tigging is that it killed our shop stereo. Right when Dan started using the tig the stero died and we couldn't figure out what happened. Then I started seeing threads on forums about tig welders putting out some frequencies that hurt radios and sometimes phones. Now we turn the stereo off before we use it. It also makes our shop lights flicker when he starts the weld.
I have a question for all you TIG Guru's. Way back when, people TIG welded with a stick welder. How hard is this and what does it take? I operate out of my 2 car garage. I have a MIG, Plasma, Arc, and Gas so space is a concern and I'm just a hobbyist.