How to... Legal in Southwest Missouri???

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New member
Aug 18, 2010
Alright guys im a young gun to the scene here.... ive loved the look of rat rods since i was about 5 years old and went to one of my first rat rod shows.... im wanting to begin a build of my own... ive found alot of good starter cabs and such but none of them have titles.... i called the highway patrol and they said i have to have a title weather or not im building a custom vehicle.... does anyone know what i need to do or what i can do?
this issue comes up alot on this forum, and the answer will usually be the same.......
the laws vary from state to state and some are quite different, for example, some states don't even require a title; some states, like Arkansas, require a VIN a bill of sale and some insurance, and you will get an antique tag and a title in about 3 wks., Tenn. is similar only requiring a notarized bill of sale being the difference......

when researching for my project, i googled my state DMV and researched everything thru the 'net--had all my stuff downloaded, filled out and ready when i walked in the local office---now i have a title and a tag:cool:

if you don't want to "google", then go down to the local dmv office and see if they can help......
First off, don't ask the h'way patrol or any other cops. Get hold of the DMV or whatever gov't agency regulates vehicles, and get a copy of the state's laws and requirements.
I try to avoid any contact with the police or DMV. They typically will make you follow the letter of the law (in my experience). I always use a title service. Every time I have gone down to the DMV, they want to see the car... look for the VIN... blah, blah, blah. Instead... I take all my paperwork to the title service company & go & pick my tags & paperwork up the next day. Title comes in the mail about 3 weeks later. The woman I use charges about $25... more than worth it just to avoid waiting in line!

"Title service company".....That's a new one on me!

I've used the same woman for years. I've had some hinky paperwork that I know the DMV would have given me grief over but she knows how to handle it & I get no hassles & never wait in line. I always tip her an extra $20!

Highway patrol don't know anything, even if they act like they do. Go to the DMV and tell them you are collecting parts from swap meets ect. to build a car and need to know how to proceed. Don't tell them you are starting with anything resembling a car, make it easy on yourself. Make sure to get a reciept or bill of sale on every part.
Mosher, first off welcome to the site. What part of sw MO are you located in? If your in Mcdonald county your pretty close to me, and I know where lots of salvage yards are if your willing to cross the state line.
Yeah i live in Carthage.... i use to play football against mac county when i was younger... lol lots of fun but yeah i'd love to i just picked up a 1949 Chevy 3/4 ton truck for 250 dollars.... now to figure out the title...

by the way my name is Gavin Mosher sorry i didnt introduce myself earlier
MO has to be one of the worst states to try and get a title. We sold a customer a T Bucket frame and on his receipt it simply said frame. We then a few months later sold him a front axle, his receipt said 4" drop axle. He we to the DMV with all his redeipts to see about getting a title. The took all his receipts and sent them off. Six weeks goes by and he gets all the paper work back in the mail and a note stating the the receipt for the frame was not good enough. Since it said only frame on it. They said it could be a door frame, an window frame or what ever. So he calls and we send him a receipt that says 1923 Ford model T frame. He sends all the paper work back and another six weeks goes by and they kick the receipt for the axle. Same BS it could be any kind of axle. This went on and on with him and other vendors he had bought stuff from for almost a year.

So he and I traded cars. My T bucket had been titled in Tn for about 8 years and we had a good clear title on it. I delivered the car to him in Kansas City. We both go to the DMV early on a Saturday morning. So we wait and get our turn explained to this little dumb blonde what was going on, that he had bought this car from me and we needed to get the title transferred to him. Well first the car had to be inspected and the VIN verified, but it was Sat. Ok he will have to do that on Monday morning. I ask her what else does he need. Bill of Sale, Odometer statement, does this title need to be notarized? Her reply no just sign the title here, and she showed me were to sign, and him where to sign. We did that in front of her.

Bright and early Monday he goes and gets the car inspected and the Vin verified. No problems at all. Got his title and now has the inspection forms. Goes back to the SAME girl at the same DMV. Now I am back home in TN and now she needs a notarized bill of sale. Well now I have to drop what I am doing go to my local DMV get a bill of sale and get the Vin etc from him, and get this paper work filled out. Now it can't be faxed, or scanned and emailed. Got to have that stamp on it. So we snail mail it to him. He finally got his title and was able to drive his T bucket.

His T that I brought back, I went the DMV here in TN and had a title in hand and tags in about 30 minutes.
I second that use of a title service.......very important:D
here in the socialist state of calif, the first thing the DMV will do to your paperwork is stamp it, then if you have mistakes like numerous transfers on the title then you're stuck looking for every owner for a bill of sale. with a service they can sidestep all the bull s*** that DMV causes. I make it a habit of not buying a car without a title. I envy you guys who live in states with reasonable laws.

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