I will never understand women

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the reverend muddy grimes

Brother Binder
Sep 9, 2009
Springdale Ar
My wife and I split up in January. I was single until a week ago today when I met an amazing woman and we started dating. Sweet, I was lonely for almost a year because I couldnt get a date to save my life. Meet the right person and suddenly every single girl I know is calling me upset that I'm dating because they wanted to ask me out. Where were they when I was single? What is it about not being able to have something that makes you want it? [S
Dude, they can sense it or smell it or a combination of the two. That's the way it works. If you're desperate for a date, you can't get one! If you're not interested or could care less, well you know the rest! Been there! And don't try to figure them out, ain't gonna happen!

they talk about the liberated woman....

My wife and I split up in January. I was single until a week ago today when I met an amazing woman and we started dating. Sweet, I was lonely for almost a year because I couldnt get a date to save my life. Meet the right person and suddenly every single girl I know is calling me upset that I'm dating because they wanted to ask me out. Where were they when I was single? What is it about not being able to have something that makes you want it? [S

I thought that women had no qualms about asking a guy out??? Guess that's a myth......Rev, if this woman makes you happy...go with the flow...the old addage about "if you snooze you lose"....would apply here....women are fickle for the most part...(sorry ladies, we have our faults too) they always want to know why you didn't call them when you start seeing another one...I stopped trying to figure that stuff out years ago....you go man....good for you!!
reposted here

l had more woman make passes at me when l was married than any other time in my life [S

Later :cool:
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Didn't I see this in another thread?????

'' Still know absolutely nothing about women.''

a man walking on the beach in California finds a bottle, opens it and out pops a gennie. the gennie states he can have one wish. the man says ''cool, l have family in Hawaii, can you make me a bridge so l can drive over and see them, because l can't afford to fly me, the wife and kids over there.

the gennie thinks for a minute and goes '' no the cost, the materials and engineering aspects are to much, do you have any other wish.''

the man says ''yes, l'd like to understand women.''

the gennie looks at him and says ''how many lanes would you like on the bridge?''

Later :cool:

Can't see it enough.....LOL
This much i know, they don't want to be with a guy none of the others want.
They want to GET the guy that the others want. Walk into a club by yourself and its all uphill going.
Walk in with a girl on each arm and see what the response is then.
THINK OF IT THIS WAY... If you feel uncomfortable with the idea of dating more than one woman... You're probably thinking about sleeping with her, Your probably seeking attachment which she is going to end up uncomfortable with if she is just looking for a friend...In some ways a person you barely know being all for you is kinda creepy it's not looked up to like in the old days of courtin' remember the cable guy? lol

Best way to start a relationship is with an easy going "long as it don't mean nothing" attitude
getting all crazy over a gal the first week you date her that's a highschool crush.

Adult love is a lot closer to immorality (from a protestant religious perspective) at first glance but really it isn't because your dealing with people in command of their emotions and bodies...who are adult enough to get closer and spend time with less confusion distrust and fear... not like with teenagers and people who never grew up...and pedophiles:eek:

so really what are you talking about here been sleeping with her the last week and noticing the other trollops that want to play... or just hanging with a dear friend.
I believe the problem isn't in the situation but it's with the way society gets mixed up with what morals go with what behaviour.

The moral expectations should match the behaviour which is the long way to say don't treat your concubine like a wife and don't treat your wife like a concubine.

besides when you ask a woman to marry you your asking "do you want to become something more with me than what we are at this point in our friendship?".
When people live as if they are married and then pop the question it's more like saying "do you want to keep this up but with more bs?"

Cherish is when you hold something as sacred apart from all else and from all others. Cherished things are not usually shared lightly or with strangers or acquaintances.
My last relationship ended almost 4 years ago. I have had a few dates but it always seems like bringing home a new puppy, just not worth the trouble.
I have a few red flag suggestions.
#1 is this, if on your first (or any subsequent) date, she blathers endlessly about her ex, run for it while you can.
#2, if there is any little thing about her that bothers you just a little tiny bit at first, it will grow to be a hugely annoying turn off in no time at all.

There are more but it's too early and I can't remember them all.
Torch take a breath your turning purple.

Haha! Torchmann, you're RRR's equivalent to the Socratic problem. (That's meant to be a compliment).

As far as the topic of this thread goes, I have to abuse one of my favorite TV quotes.

"Women. Can't live with 'em, pass the peanuts". - Norm Petersen

Haha! Torchmann, you're RRR's equivalent to the Socratic problem. (That's meant to be a compliment).

As far as the topic of this thread goes, I have to abuse one of my favorite TV quotes.

"Women. Can't live with 'em, pass the peanuts". - Norm Petersen


The Socratic problem...Had to look it up [cl That! ...is deeper than even my thoughts go my friend and well applied, I was expecting maybe Chauvin but wow.. Bravo...You have exceeded me and I yield with a Victorian bow and a small step back.

Wimmins... Extra! Extra! get em while they're hot lol

Were all too familiar with the feminists "Male Chauvinist pig" remark but what we are not told is what Chauvin espoused was the classic gentleman, the strong man of the house and protector, king in his castle, the holder of the door for a woman. without Chauvanism we might not perform this custom when we propose

Notice he is on One knee...both knees being reserved for only the Lord in prayer. and this elevation of woman above man the feminists say is men acting superior and pig-ish?

A Long time ago it was widely customary for a woman to be attracted to a taller stronger man than her
These days it is more customary for a woman to be attracted to a shorter smaller man than her.
I'm only making an assumption here but it could be a physical manifestation of this feminist engineered sociological trend for women these days to seek out men they can look down on more-so than men they would look up to and you get a gal that disrespects you, confronts you in public and brings you trouble back to your home.
There's 4 kinds of women and I've dated 1-3 of them..
1) Man makers
2) Man breakers
3) Lethbianths
4) Relatives

LOL NONE of this is going to get me any action
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I actually find women quite easy to understand and to get along with. Just keep throwing lots of money at them and things go really well. :eek::D:D (Hey, it works for Hugh Hefner, look how peaceful his life is ! :cool:)

The Socratic problem ...folks he just said I may not have actually been there and done all that lol
I actually find women quite easy to understand and to get along with. Just keep throwing lots of money at them and things go really well. :eek::D:D (Hey, it works for Hugh Hefner, look how peaceful his life is ! :cool:)


And the prize for best answer goes to Don! [cl[cl[cl[cl[cl

-Troy :D
Originally Posted by skull
'' Still know absolutely nothing about women.''

a man walking on the beach in California finds a bottle, opens it and out pops a gennie. the gennie states he can have one wish. the man says ''cool, l have family in Hawaii, can you make me a bridge so l can drive over and see them, because l can't afford to fly me, the wife and kids over there.

the gennie thinks for a minute and goes '' no the cost, the materials and engineering aspects are to much, do you have any other wish.''

the man says ''yes, l'd like to understand women.''

the gennie looks at him and says ''how many lanes would you like on the bridge?''

Later :cool:

Almost p***ed myself [cl


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