If the rest of my retirement goes this well...

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
Berry, Alabama
Made the decision yesterday, eff it, it's time! Decided it's time to cut back working to three days a week, so today was my first retirement day off. Got in after lunch yesterday and finished fixing a zero turn mower for a fellow. This morning he came and picked it up, and I made $100 for repairing it. Hooked up the trailer that still had the FBird parts car I bought last year on it to the pickup and threw a bunch or scrap metal in it. Took it to the scrapyard this morning, got $241 for my trouble. Promptly went to Harbor Freight and bought a 3 1/2 cubic foot cement mixer for $250. Got to pour a floor for a storage building and later on pour the new carport floor a section at a time.

Drained the gas tank on the IH tractor, changed the oil, and used it to skid off some old timbers from my old building that fell in several years ago. New 10 x14 building going in about that same spot when get it cleared again.

Cleared about $90 today. Would be nice if I could do that every day! Know it'll never happen, because I don't have that much scrap to haul off.

Was nice getting to sleep to 7:00. And still have tomorrow to do stuff, but it's supposed to be raining, so if it's not lightning, I'll stay in the shop. Nice to take my time doing stuff instead of having to rush and keep at it until I'm exhausted. Will probably go load on Monday for Tuesday delivery. I'm gonna like have 3 1/2 days off and working 3 1/2!
That`s nice Bama [cl Been trying to work part time and do my other stuff the other part for years.... I can tell you there`s a risk of running too fast on both ends :rolleyes: but it sure feels good if it works out fine. :)
Right there with you bud. Got a 3 day a week job lined up. Couple hundred a week will pretty much finance my rusty relic hobby. 24 hours a week instead of 50-60 will be wonderful.
Awesome! Similar here too. M-F 8-12. A couple hundred a week. Nice getting home and have the whole afternoon to get things done. Like was said nice to not have to rush to get things done. Jim
Congrats there Bama. I pulled the plug almost 3 years ago, and I've found that there are plenty of little jobs that will show up and keep just a little cash flow coming. You never know what tomorrow holds for us, so it's a good idea to slow down and enjoy every day.
I'm happy for ya Bama [cl
The wife and I both put in for our Social Security 8 years ago. It covers all the bills so, the money I make in the shop and selling things is a bonus.
You'll see that when the people find out you're available to fix things, they'll be at your door step.
Good for you! I quit full time 20 yrs ago and I still haven't completed my list of thing I want to do.
Enjoy your new life style [cl
Good luck with the fairy tale![ddd:D I slid out of slavery 18 years ago and never had more work to do than I do right now. It's a full time with over time job being retired. You do get to choose your poison tho...

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