I'll have a big announcement tomorrow! Any1 wanna guess?!?

Rat Rods Rule

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That's an awesome idea I am glad that everything is working out for you to be able to do that.

Where do we sign up for the subscription?
If the position of " Head Model Photographer" hasn't been filled yet, I would like to apply for the position. :D:D At least let me help pick out the wardrobe !

So, we have a magazine mogul in our midst ! Very cool, Bob. It is now officially 12:07 am so it is tomorrow now. Give us the scoop.


So our resident "west coast car builder"wants in on the first issue I see:D

That's cool Bob! I get Street Rodder and Rod & Custom by subscription (along with picking up the occasional other rag off the news stand)

I'm lined up to place my subscription with "RRR-the mag"
So our resident "west coast car builder"wants in on the first issue I see:D

That's cool Bob! I get Street Rodder and Rod & Custom by subscription (along with picking up the occasional other rag off the news stand)

I'm lined up to place my subscription with "RRR-the mag"

Ron, you forgot "WORLD FAMOUS"!!
Your turn will come soon enough! Haha!!!

I always dreamed of going to car shows all over the country when I retired and here's my chance and write it off!

Hey! If you make us all 'magazine staff', you can pay for our expenses to drive all our cars down to the First Annual RRR Staff Meeting (and BBQ and car show) and write it all off as a business expense!!!!! [cl[cl
That's gonna be Gerrrate

Have ya decided if this is gonna be a quarterly, bimonthly or monthly issue thing ?
If it helps to get the mag up and running i'll send in money for my subscription now! I think all of the guys would.
Is it tomorrow yet [S

Yes it is! :D

If it helps to get the mag up and running i'll send in money for my subscription now! I think all of the guys would.

Thanks Bruno, I appreciate that!

The 1st couple of issues will be quarterly that will be online only but we'll probably print some for local distribution & when we go to shows. These 1st ones will be handed out for free & once we get confortable & get more advertisers we'll go with a real hardcopy mag. Mrs Tripper & her sister are the ones that have really been pushing me to do this. I think they want to publish a mag of their own & need a good cheap photographer/designer (me) for their project! Haha! Anyway... I've been working on it for a while now & have most of it blocked out. It's gonna be about regular kats like you & me that make the hobby what it is & it'll give me the chance to meet peeps all over the country! Can't wait!!! Shortly I'll post guidelines for submitting your car/truck/bike for publication & look forward to sharing all your hard work with others... I want reader's rides & RRR rides to be a big part of the project & hopefully we can meet in person & share hot rod lies!

Coolness!! I would like to request paper copys so I have them all and my kid can get big money someday on pawn starz!!!! Come on over for pics and lies, I've been practicing on here for years and I'll hurry up and get the car done!!!