I didn't post it here, but on the other forum, because I didn't want to tie up too much RRR bandwidth with my rant, but basically here is what happened:
The Olds 394 engine for my rpu was machined by a shop 9 years ago and I put it together and stored it for all this time. When I went to use it, I found they had left a galley plug out and also I saw bad workmanship that made me think I should freshen up the motor before using it.
I had been using Joes Performance here in Ft Myers (he was not the guy who machined it 9 years ago) and Joe turned out great work and always did me right. But he has health issues and had to sell his shop to another machine shop, so I took the Olds there in September of 2014 to have them completely remachine the engine and make it right.
Since September I have called the owner 4-5 times, and each time he would say things like "Oh, I was waiting for you to give me the go ahead to do the work !" WHAT !!

I told him very plainly to completely machine the block and get the pistons, then I would pick that up and he could then do the next step, the heads.
The last conversation I had with him was in January when I called him to see how we were coming, and he said "Oh, you want me to do it ? Ok, I'll get on it right away !"

Again, I said "Yes, do the block and I will pick that up and pay you then you can do the heads !
Tuesday of this week I called to see how he was coming and his wife said he was on a machine and would call me right back. On Thursday I hadn't gotten that call, so I drove over to his shop and confronted him. He became s**ty with me and said "Did you ever give me a deposit so I can order parts ?" I said "You never asked me for one !"
The engine was sitting in the exact condition I had dropped it off as 6 months ago, so I said, "Put it all in my trunk and I will get it out of here !" He said the crank has been sent to a crankshaft company in Lauderdale and he will get it back and have his girls call me when that happens. I just went on Google and checked reviews on this shop and both people say things like "Liar, overcharges, won't give parts back, etc."
I have started a paper trail by sending him a detailed email, and if I don't get that crank back soon he and I will be meeting in small claims court. Sorry for the lengthy post, but that is the full story.