I think I had it back in Jan when I was sick for a week. That was before they knew it was here, I’ve heard others say they like me had the same symptoms and their Dr.s didn’t know what it was, either. I couldn’t walk half the length of my 48’ trailer without being out of breath. I don’t usually go to Dr.s, I usually tough it out, this stuff was too tough to do that without meds. After two shots and a pack of pills, I was better in two days. Might have been a mild case, I don’t know, but Dr. checked me for flu and I didn’t have it, so she said it was some kind of virus. Then a few weeks later CV19 started hitting hard, I was lucky I guess.
I went back to work and am still trucking, but don’t know for how much longer. Flatbed freight is slowing down due to so many people being at home without a paycheck.