Is everyone staying safe ?

Rat Rods Rule

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We members of UDS are fortunate in that we have projects and interests that keep us busy and productive. Good for our mental health. Plus, we communicate with each other here which reduces the feeling of isolation.

I should come out of this ordeal only slightly depressed and deranged.
This is an extra bad, very contagious flu. Nothing more.

In the 2020 world wide list of causes of death it won't rank very high.

Every morning I get up, take a shower and put on a full body condom. There's one little hole in it where I can stick a finger through so I can work a mouse, a keyboard and a remote.

On the other hand, I'm not going to run scared. Just take reasonable precautions.

Bob, I would love to sit down and have a drink with you one of these days. I think we would agree on far more than we wouldn't. :D Stay well my friend, eventually I might make it to the great frozen north...
I know there are varying opinions on the dangers of the virus but I only have one question. If you think it's not that dangerous or contagious, are you willing to risk your life and your family's life over it? [S

Not me!

I know there are varying opinions on the dangers of the virus but I only have one question. If you think it's not that dangerous or contagious, are you willing to risk your life and your family's life over it? [S

Not me!


Exactly my thoughts.

If you believe the danger and obey the rules and you're wrong, the result (in my opinion) is a lot less serious than if you don't believe the danger and ignore the rules and you're wrong. In the second case, people die. Sometimes I feel society in general needs a reminder of what's important.
I think I had it back in Jan when I was sick for a week. That was before they knew it was here, I’ve heard others say they like me had the same symptoms and their Dr.s didn’t know what it was, either. I couldn’t walk half the length of my 48’ trailer without being out of breath. I don’t usually go to Dr.s, I usually tough it out, this stuff was too tough to do that without meds. After two shots and a pack of pills, I was better in two days. Might have been a mild case, I don’t know, but Dr. checked me for flu and I didn’t have it, so she said it was some kind of virus. Then a few weeks later CV19 started hitting hard, I was lucky I guess.

I went back to work and am still trucking, but don’t know for how much longer. Flatbed freight is slowing down due to so many people being at home without a paycheck.

There has been a lot of talk about this. On Dec 27th I had a sore throat. I got progressively worst and on Feb 4th I went to the walk in with a horrible cough, my ribs hurt, and was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection. Given Zpack and cough medicine. I had that cough until the end of Feb. There was a discussion on twitter and a bunch of people had this. Dr Jen on ABC also made comment on this saying a doctor she know was seeing it and said it was SKV, some kind of virus. I am hoping at some point I can get a test for the antibodies.
There is a lot of differences across the country with this and I think that it is how it is interpreted. I am in SWCT 60 mi from NYC. My Wife is a Public Heath Nurse in town and it is no joke here and I am staying in. I'm 62 decent health but I'm not taking chances. Our #s go up daily. We as a country have no leadership. Why in Gods name did FL open beaches?
This site is my favorite place to go. I do not have any real vehicle that qualifies for rat or undead but I ask things and you all just give me answers on my newer rigs. I thank you for letting me be a part of this. Jim
Hi redidbull, Yes this is a great site and there is no requirement to have a "qualifying" vehicle.
On to the virus. If you checked the rules for the Fla. beaches, you would find it is not much different than most local parks. If Floridians don't follow the rules, then the beaches can be closed again. Decisions are up to state and local governments. This is not a "one size fits all" country. Try Cuba or China for that. Your decision to be very cautious fits your situation and view of the seriousness of the virus. When the "stay at home" directives are lifted are you instantly going to return to your pre-virus lifestyle? People will probably still be carrying the virus, getting sick and dying from it. Just in lesser numbers. Same as all the other contagious diseases we are facing or have faced. We accept that people die from all kinds of preventable and non-preventable situations. We don't quit driving, eating fatty foods, drinking alcohol, drag racing, sky diving, getting old, etc.
Daily living just got a bit more hazardous. Do what you have to do to take care of yourself and your family.

BED, Yes, I would like to meet you, buy you a Diet (hazardous) Coke. Do you happen to know Jeff (Titus) Bloedorn, from here?
The wife and I got drunk with everyone who did last night, our social distancing just happens to be in miles and not feet [ddd
The above pic reminds me of my youth spent on my Grandfather's turkey farm. At about 9 years old one of my jobs was to spray DDT in the granary and machine shed with a hand sprayer. I would get soaked from head to toe with the stuff.

It didn't cause me any problems. Unless you count that pesky little baby arm that grew out of my chest.

Reminds me of when the health department would come through our missionary base in Brazil, spraying everything down with DDT. (Their common word for "spraying" is actually DDTisacao" - "DDTization".) In the later years they didn't come into our houses to spray, but came through with a sprayer like that, mounted on a PU. Since our windows had no glass (only screens, and the windows were really large, to catch every available breeze there in the jungle), we had no way to close them, but we would hang sheets & what ever we could find over the windows, to try to keep the poison out of the house. (This was all years after DDT was outlawed here in the States.)

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