Is everyone staying safe ?

Rat Rods Rule

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Hey everybody. Gonna give a PSA on this virus since a lot of older guys are on here. I've been following this pretty darn close so this is what I've picked up.

1. This virus isn't any worse than a flu. BUT IT CAN GET INTO YOUR LUNGS. That is where things go bad.

2. The way it transmits is the problem. IT'S FAST AND STEALTHY.

3. If we don't slow the spread it WILL OVERLOAD OUR HOSPITAL CAPACITY.

4. Older and people with health problem are more susceptible to it hitting the lungs.

5. A 50 yr old has about a 10% chance of needing hospitalization and has about a 20% chance of it being a one way trip. An 85 year old has about a 30% chance of needing a bed but more like a 50% chance of not recovering.

6. Health issues make those percentages for the individual much worse.

7. If there are no available ventilators etc. ... Well, just don't get the virus when your state is at peak bed need. NY is said to have peaked, Iowa is assumed to peak around the 24th.

8. There is a likelihood of a second wave of infections after we open businesses back up.

9. There is a chance COVID will mutate and we have to deal with this again. Hopefully by then we'll have something to help battle it like a flu shot.

THE POLITICS OF IT: (without getting political)

1. The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has lied about this virus since the beginning and is still doing so. It lied about the infection issues, how it wasn't contained, and is still lying about it's infection and death numbers.

2. This matters because the rest of the world could have better prepared. The WHO (World Health Organization) and our CDC were using this info to make decisions.

3. Ignoring all of Trumps talking and only looking at the Trump administration's actions: We were slow on taking it serious, but so were the rest of the Western world UNTIL Italy. There have been minor mis-steps, but overall it is not failing us. (I am not at all a Trump fan in any way.)

4. Failure to have testing in place was not a failure of this administration - Most other pandemic level viruses have had symptoms before they are infectious. 19 is infectious well before symptoms show. Meaning normally a virus is far easier to track and thus contain.

5. Trump really needs to shut up and let his team of experts talk instead. The media need to stop making this political.

6. The economy is gonna take a big hit from this and the suddenly unemployed are going to need a lot of help. But opening up businesses too early can cause a big second wave.

That's all I can think of. Take this serious if not for yourself, do it for others loved ones. And just because your son/daughter is young and healthy doesn't mean this virus can't kill them - it's just not likely.
Politics aside, I have friends and family in the medical field and they are scared ****less. They say these viruses usually come in 3-4 rounds and if it lightens up in the summer and comes back this winter, it's going to be really bad. When they go out, they go in glasses, masks and gloves, just saying! I'm in one of the bad catagories and I do the same. Luckily I got a lot of TP early on! [ddd

I don't know what's up with this virus and after just a few short months I don't think anyone really does but... one thing I do know... I'm not taking any chances! And I definitely don't trust *ANY* politician!

Don, glad to hear you're ok & back working on your project! The thing that scares me now is that being over 70 I might catch it & never be able to drive the car I've worked so hard on for so long! That would *really* hack me off!!! :eek:

Be careful guys... better safe than sorry!

I don`t think this will blow over... and it definately is not just another invluenza virus. We will need a vaccin , available on a large scale and that will take a while. Or / and we need group immunity to protect high risc catagory folks.

In the mean time there are thousands of hard working men and women in the medical field who take high high riscs to help those who need it and all of us who would die otherwise. IMHO ,as long as that`s the case, there`s no room for any opinion other than taking it serious as hell and do what one can ,to prevent spreading.
Here in this little town there are a lot of face mask people. Now I feel naked without one. But life seems to go on...except I have two classic cars and nowhere to go with them. I blast them up and down the nearby interstate to keep the wheels round, no traffic, and cheap gas.

One of my favorite meet ups is "Shake Station" restaurant, about an hour drive...and they are having "social distance" car shows, where you park 6 feet apart, and they bring food orders to your car. Ridiculous, but at least they are trying to keep it going.

So I have plenty to do, and I have been more focused on the 105 year old house lately, doing landscaping and long delayed projects.

Now all I do is walk back and forth between cars and house...and tinker/work on either or.

That is all, stay well. :)
I think I had it back in Jan when I was sick for a week. That was before they knew it was here, I’ve heard others say they like me had the same symptoms and their Dr.s didn’t know what it was, either. I couldn’t walk half the length of my 48’ trailer without being out of breath. I don’t usually go to Dr.s, I usually tough it out, this stuff was too tough to do that without meds. After two shots and a pack of pills, I was better in two days. Might have been a mild case, I don’t know, but Dr. checked me for flu and I didn’t have it, so she said it was some kind of virus. Then a few weeks later CV19 started hitting hard, I was lucky I guess.

I went back to work and am still trucking, but don’t know for how much longer. Flatbed freight is slowing down due to so many people being at home without a paycheck.
On the other side.... I can not imagine sitting at home with a 80k
truck payment, a 50k car payment, a 350k home mortgage payment
not to mention insurance, food etc....and not knowing when I'm going back to work or not. I just hope people who are in this predicament can survive and not lose everything. It will be hard enough on those living paycheck to paycheck.
Scary stuff, don't mean to be a downer could get really bad..hope not
stay safe guys
I found out today that there is a case of the virus in the nursing home where my mother is and she has been in close contact with the person. Mother has been tested but we won't know the results for a few days. We can't visit or see her. All of a sudden this thing got real. She's 90 and legally blind.

Sending strength and good vibes to you and your Mother.
I found out today that there is a case of the virus in the nursing home where my mother is and she has been in close contact with the person. Mother has been tested but we won't know the results for a few days. We can't visit or see her. All of a sudden this thing got real. She's 90 and legally blind.

I hope your Mom will be OK. The nursing homes have been hit very hard. Worse part is not being able to go see them. Jim
Every morning I get up, take a shower and put on a full body condom. There's one little hole in it where I can stick a finger through so I can work a mouse, a keyboard and a remote.

All kidding aside, I hope your Mom survives the virus. Not easy for us older folks.

On the other hand, I'm not going to run scared. Just take reasonable precautions.
Every morning I get up, take a shower and put on a full body condom. There's one little hole in it where I can stick a finger through so I can work a mouse, a keyboard and a remote.

All kidding aside, I hope your Mom survives the virus. Not easy for us older folks.

On the other hand, I'm not going to run scared. Just take reasonable precautions.

Sorry bob. I just couldn't resist. :p :D [ddd
After I read your comment the first thing that came to mind was the "Naked Gun' movies and this scene.:eek:


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I found out today that there is a case of the virus in the nursing home where my mother is and she has been in close contact with the person. Mother has been tested but we won't know the results for a few days. We can't visit or see her. All of a sudden this thing got real. She's 90 and legally blind.

Very sorry to hear Phil, hopefully your mom doesn't catch it. Unfortunately for a lot of people the danger won't be real until someone they know has it.
Hope your Mother is OK. The nursing homes here (Iowa) have been getting hit the most too.

I think they're starting to think it spreads undetected a lot more than originally thought. The USS Roosevelt had a lot of positive tests with no symptoms.

Meat processing plants are getting hammered.

We have one tested positive at my work now. I'm surprised it took so long since we have a lot of drivers going to Chicago every day.
We members of UDS are fortunate in that we have projects and interests that keep us busy and productive. Good for our mental health. Plus, we communicate with each other here which reduces the feeling of isolation.

I should come out of this ordeal only slightly depressed and deranged.

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