I had an Idea for a movie about 2 brothers.... One is a funny looking lazy spoiled ma ma's boy asinine critic who never accomplishes anything but always takes advantage of his brother's foibles to be the big Jokeman of the Party...
And the other brother is gifted, handsome, hard working, means well but always self destructs and does the wrong thing or gets in trouble driven by years of his brother's derision.
The Comedian brother lives still lives off his folks and royalties from a few lucky gigs before he became wildly unpopular back in the day when they thought he was funny
And the other brother has been in prison, came up from nothing... built a business as the top in his field and proceeds to kick the legs out from under his own achievement.
I got 2 guys in mind for the parts
Paully Shore... And Jesse James lol
somewhere in the past that DNA has crossed paths
seriously though...
Sure He can be an ass who hasn't? it gets pretty easy when your on top of your game to be the *****. You have to admit he has alot of talent and a good eye.
I grew up getting beat up..not at home but enough to toughen me up but leave me not wanting to hurt other people if it can be avoided. I worked with this guy that was tough as hell. I thought he hated me. I thought he was pushing me to conflict. In reality he was a really strong person who was really tough golden gloves and all that and really good at what we did and he was as he put it "all that way" not to be a bully to drive people to challenge him to a fight, He "got on" people he thought he could help become better, people who couldn't be inspired. Paully Taylor's way with some of us wasn't to inspire it was to make us. He'd bust you down and make you.
If he thought you could do better he'd be all over you and in your face in a hundred different ways and never let up on you until you earned his respect. I'm talking No-Fear Alpha Male personality like Ted Nugent.
As Roy Master's put it...A bully is a person with extraordinary leadership abilities in a fallen state.
I think JJ has alot more potential than he gets credit for or maybe even believes in. At least he can come out and say He was a creep and lying to himself and everyone else. most people don't take that step. You have to be reduced to nothing and step off into oblivion with nothing but faith to take that step.
I don't know Jesse. I'm just guessing...superimposing other people I've known over the scripted image of a man sold to me by mass media. I really can't say with any certainty what kind of a person he is but calling him an ass when he's being an ass and still being there is the best thing a friend could ever do for a friend. Like he said in the interview he doesn't feel comfortable hanging out with the fake-n-bake types he'd rather hang out in the back of the garage.... Ain't that who we are? His friends?
Anyway... no mancrush bs or fanfare here I like Paully shore too I'm just being a *******... I'm really the hack looking to be the big jokeman at the party