what were the symptoms that made you guys realize you needed to get some help? (directed to the guys that have had problems, obviously) I've had what I would call some minor little skips (palpitations?) once in a while lately, but no chest pain or shortness of breath or any of the symptoms that are usually associated with a heart attack. I'm 45 now and this sort of thing gets my attention. I read somewhere a while back that a guy said it's like having an elephant sitting on your chest.
For me it's been a tightness high up and across my chest from shoulder to shoulder. Angina gives this sensation along with being clammy, sweating and often feeling a bit nauseous. First time about 8 years ago I would have swore it was the worst case of indigestion I ever had. Started about 10 in the morning it came and went all day. By evening it was getting worse with some slight pain, and a lot of pressure on my chest. (the elephant thing you mention) By 10 pm I'm in the hospital getting nitro spray and baby aspirin and an 'invitation' to be their guest for a few days in the ICU.
Second time was a year and a half ago. Much the same deal, but in a lot shorter time, like within a hour. Sweaty, clammy, weak. It hit it's peak in the doctors office this time, scared the crap out of all of them as well as me that time, considering I was there for a regular visit. Instead I got fancy and another three days in the ICU.
Heart attacks have been a bit different. July 1st, Canada day was the first one for me. (Didn't even get to see the fireworks!!) It came on fast and hard, they figure a blood clot. That one hurt...alot. Like a giant hand grabs you and squeezed your chest from shoulder to shoulder. Feels like a big hard knot in the middle of your chest about the size of your fist. Short breaths, hurts to much to take a deep breath, not to sure I could if I had to. Then the clincher, severe pain down my left arm as far as the elbow. (Felt like got punched in the bicep) stayed like that for a few seconds and travelled the rest of the way to my hand. Hand felt like it was being stabbed and leaned on with a blunt object the size of a broomhandle. Pain in the left lower jaw was next from the chin back below my ear. It was pretty apparent this one was a real deal heart attack, not angina this time. Sat in the lawnchair and relaxed best I could and tried not to panic. After three or four minutes the jaw pain disappeared, the pain in the hand and lower arm retreated as far as the elbow. Figured it was now or never, got back to the car and drove to the hospital. Sweating buckets, clammy, and nauseous along with the tightness and pain. Baby aspirin, nitro, and oxygen again. Blood test every six hours showed elevated enzymes and then a decrease back to normal indicating muscle damage. Turned out to be slight, but it's there. Whole new array of meds. (oh boy!)
A little more than two months later...I'm showing off again. Just out of the blue the heart go nuts. (Labour Day this time, got this thing about holidays I guess.) Not just beating hard, but slaming in my chest and skipping a few here and there. (I also suffer from A fib, hey if your going to do this stuff go all the way) The real violent stuff lasted for maybe a minute, and then settled down a bit with a few extra beats here and there, and a few pauses here and there, pretty much flopped around until the ambulance arrived. Then nitro, oxygen, and baby aspirin. Sweating big time, feeling sick, and very weak. Very small amount of pain in both biceps for a short time, seems to be the symptoms just about everytime after the fact. But leading up to the grand event can be just about anything as I have found out. Check out the Heart and Stroke organization and they have a whole list of symptoms to watch for, and it can be any combination from mild to severe, as I have also found out. Thing is, if you even
think your having a heart attack, get help fast. Baby aspirin (two) can make a difference if your not close to help. It can buy a bit of time, but still get help. Time is muscle as they say. All those little quirky skips and jumps with your heart, and weird sensations are warning signs. It's quietly saying...pssst, hey...hey you. And if you don't listen, someday it will shout out...
HEY, I'M TALKIN TO YOU!! and you get an ambulance ride. It won't hurt to be checked out, high blood pressure and cholesterol show no symptoms until it develops into a heart problem. I have both..along with the rest.
Don't know if I answered your question, but this has been great therapy for me.