That's just way too cool. Really makes me want one. One thing that kinda bugs me but I also know why you did it that way as it's supposed to look like a T-Bucket. I almost feel like the hood doesn't come up far enough. Like there's not enough hood showing above the wheels or theres a little too much cowl there. But that's just me.
Looks great ZZ![cl Only thing I'd change is I'd put something behind the grill so you couldn't see through it.
Looks very good, so how does it run out with those big tires and that good motor?
Sweet! Are you going to repaint it black too?
I can't imagine re-doing those fenders or trying to match the paint. Show us how you get it done.
I'm going to do some mods on my Hennway hotrod pickup in a couple days. I got tired of the wheels on it - not so many choices when I built it in 2006.
Rodder... I haven't seen this truck before! That is *gorgeous*... got any more photos for us?!? [dr[dr[dr