Looks like oil's finally comin' DOWN!!!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
The old Tripper was a stock broker in the 70's & 80's & I smell a rout comin' for the oil markets! Speculators have ruled here recently but it looks like they may be in for some sleepless nites... I damn sure hope so. Hopefully our government will *finally* get with the program too after *all* these years! Like they say in the business... what goes up...

The price of crude oil is comming down, but I don't see the price at the pump comming down very much. The bad thing is that most of us would be glad to see it come down to 2.00-2.50 price range. 4 years ago it was only about 1.70-1.85 per gallon.

I wouldn't get yer hopes up to high guys. I'm pretty sure from the source material that I've been reading that this is just the calm before the storm. I really hope I'm wrong about this, but I think there gonna attack Iran by late Aug or early Sept. Then look out. Please God I hope I'm wrong about this.
I hope you are wrong as well, cause they are already sending more to afgan. All we need is to start another war over stupid oil. One day instead of outsourcing our oil we can use it for ourselves and not have problems, hopefully they can see this some day.
This is an example of the kind of crap that's going on. The White House wants this war, and they keep talking as such. Grab your socks boys I think it's gonna be a ruff ride.

Bush Senior Insider Warns Against Iran Attack

Walter Pincus
Washington Post
July 23, 2008

The Bush administration should stop talking about a military attack as an option if negotiations do not immediately halt Iran’s uranium reprocessing program, two former national security advisers said yesterday.

“Don’t talk about ‘do we bomb them now or later?’ ” said Brent Scowcroft, adviser to presidents Gerald R. Ford and George H.W. Bush, during a discussion at the Center for Strategic and International Studies on the negotiations between the United States and Iran.

Scowcroft added that by mentioning that threat, “we legitimize the use of force . . . and may tempt the Israelis” to carry out such a mission. He said he thinks that negotiations must continue and that sanctions have had an effect on Tehran, noting that even with elevated oil prices, Iran, alone among oil producers, is having a difficult time economically.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, adviser to President Jimmy Carter, described the Bush administration’s policy of maintaining the option of military action as “counterproductive.”

“I don’t want the public to believe a preemptive attack can be justified,” he said. Repeating the possibility “convinces Iran it is being threatened . . . and maybe it ought to have a [nuclear] weapon.”

He added that a U.S. attack on Iran would be a “disaster,” suggesting it could result in the U.S. fighting “for at least two decades” on four fronts — Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

JUST A LITTLE SIDE NOTE : Hittler lost the second world war because he started a two front
Since when did America become a country that attacks countries
that haven't attacked them. These wars aren't ment to be won.
Google " Military Industrial Complex" and you will find the aswer to
why the US hasn't won a war since WWII.

Hint: The criminals are in charge.
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I really, really, really hate to be a negative thinker, but this whole mess over there and the economic situation in general are just horrible. I am all for protecting ourselves as a Nation, but this Mid East thing is just another Viet Nam IMO. When I was in the Service I worked under one General, and his comment one time was that "War is good for the economy. In wartime, everybody works."
I guess the lives that are lost are just part of the price we pay. :mad::mad:

As for the gas prices coming down at the pumps........IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. When have we ever seen the prices go down once they get them up where they want them? It can go back to $50 a barrel, and it will still be $ 4 at the pump. Oh, they will give us a little break by going to maybe $ 3.98, but that will be it.

Let's face it, we are on a ride we have absolutely NO control over. Someone else is driving the train. :mad:

Filled up my truck yesterday, it was $3.85..thats down from $4.17 a week ago, jus wish I had another truck, so's I could fill it up too while the price is down..:rolleyes:
Same here, I saw $ 3.83 a couple of places yesterday. Funny how they do that huh? Did you ever think the day would come when we would be thrilled to see gas at $ 3.83??????? :mad: They are really smart........they jack it up a dollar a gallon and then drop it 20 cents and we are happy as clams! :rolleyes:

I bet next year at this time we are saying " WOW, GAS WAS $ 5.50 A GALLON YESTERDAY, BUT IT DROPPED WAY DOWN TO $ 4.95 TODAY!!!" :D

I've been doing a little reading because I was feeling like an unimformed idiot.
One interesting fact is that we have a 200 year supply of shale oil in the Rockys and surrounding areas.
In the 70's they would have to dig a hole several football fields in size every couple weeks to get at it but today they (the oil companies) have developed methods of injecting different stuff into the ground to then pump it up. Its not perfect yet, but we really do need to get working on this.

Think about it. 200 years of oil independence.

Add in some wind, solar, nukes and bang, in a few years, we cut off the middle east and keep the $700,000,000.00 (billion)per year we give them right now.

Ever thought about what they do with all that money (no, I'm not talking about the gold plated toilets and Mercedes Benzs that they love so much)

Screw the spotted owl, and I have and love birds.
Enough is enough.
It's a big scam.. I f 'n hate it..but luckly for us motorheads and fabricator types, we have the skills to adapt easier than do other folks in the country.

If I have to go to work drivin a wood gas fueled, briggs powered skateboard, I'll do'er...:D
Headed SOUTH!

Yep... oil's definitely coming down... gold too! They tried to make support @ $120 but that failed. $100's next & it'll probably hang around there until someone threatens the pipeline again or they bomb Iran. Looks like $80 is the next level but I'm doubtful they'll let it drift that low. Regular is $3.75 here now. Hang on for more fun!!!

During the first shortage, when the gas companies didn't have the politicians in their pockets, the feds threatened to nationalize the gas companies. Suddenly, the shortage was over, but gas had gone from .25 to .65 a gal. Guess the gas companies learned their lesson and began buying up all the politicians, because you never hear of nationalizing the gas companies.

It's about time the government starts supporting itself and quits spending money it doesn't have. Nationalize the gas companies, lottery and gambling among other things. It California, the lottery was suppose to be the savior of the educational system. However, whatever money that went to education from the lottery, the like amount was cut from the state budget so the politicians could spend it on other things. Now, the schools here are worst off then before the lottery.
Down again!!!

Yep... oil's takin' in on the chin again & so is gold!!! Regular is around $3. here & the other day 2 stations had a gas war that got down to $2.80. Lines around the block as u can only imagine!!!

Yep... oil's takin' in on the chin again & so is gold!!! Regular is around $3. here & the other day 2 stations had a gas war that got down to $2.80. Lines around the block as u can only imagine!!!


Regular is still around $3.80 here in S. Fla and premium is still over four bucks.:mad:
Cheapest I've seen around Phx ,is $3.61 I filled up..! that is down from $4.17 about 3 weeks ago. I actually feel like takeing a weekend cruise out of town....:eek:
Here in my city in Canada gas is $5.00 a gallon. :eek: But then we are always getting hosed. Even our magazines like HOTROD and such are nearly double what you guys in the states pay for them.

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