Well, after much thought..... and I know at some point regret..... I'm not gonna use the Jag rear in my truck. Not because of any of my questions on installing it. Not because I don't want to use it. Not because of anything other than $$$. The more I look at the project, especially the rear, it's just gonna be too much $$$. By the time I figure out the gear swap in this thing, have the suspension rebuilt, brakes, it is just too much. Especially when I have a ready to go Explorer 8.8 with 3.73/Trac-Loc/Disc Brakes sitting right here. I wish $$$ wasn't an issue. The rear would already be mounted if that was the case. But it is, and I had to make a decision. I'm 42 and would like to drive this thing in my 40's ; ) If I use too many parts in my build that will require rebuilding before it's time to drive, then it's gonna take me that much longer to ever be able to get parts and be able to pay for labor on some of these thing. I'm bummed, but it is what it is. Maybe down the road if my $$$ situation improves I can swap a Jag rear back in. But for now, I'm gonna keep my project moving and toss in the Ford 8.8. Hopefully, all the work I did and starting this thread will help someone else use the Jag rear in a Harvester. The rubber mounts line up with the frame rails and it is a great option. Wish my Jag rear was not in need of a gear swap and rebuild so I could just use it.