Man I love CL *******

Rat Rods Rule

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Something's wrong with that boy!
Aug 29, 2011
In the shop, GJ CO
With what is going on in my life I got my stuff up on CL. I got this email today (changed a word) here it is.

U freakin hill-jacks up in GJ are unreal. Take that to the salvage yard! I won't even bother to look at your hillbilly-a$$ reply.

I like how guys are 10' tall and bullet proof behind a PC. I have my phone # posted on the ad. Think the guy could have balls enough to call me, get my address and come say that to my face.
With what is going on in my life I got my stuff up on CL. I got this email today (changed a word) here it is.

U freakin hill-jacks up in GJ are unreal. Take that to the salvage yard! I won't even bother to look at your hillbilly-a$$ reply.

I like how guys are 10' tall and bullet proof behind a PC. I have my phone # posted on the ad. Think the guy could have balls enough to call me, get my address and come say that to my face.
i would but
i am too busy being a chick-magnet astronaut,brain surgeon,racecar driver,special forces sniper, WWF champ.
If a person is going to take the time to send an email like that with no intention of dealing with you, the person obviously has trouble dealing with life.

Wow Billy, if I didn't know that everything on the internet is true, I'd think you were making some of that up.
WWF champ.

WWF champ?

Roddy, is that you?


need pics GM[P

l know, l have 3 projects for sale on CL and the ones l get a kick outta are the ones who offer 1/2 of the list price or the other type who contact 10 times, bug the crap outta ya and then, "well, l really can't afford it" or "l've changed my mind".

Later :cool:

PS; hey billie, you told me ya couldn't come over 'couse you was coaching the women's gold medal bikini volleyball team.:eek:
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I refuse to even look at Craigslist. Reason why is a friend of mine had him drive him over an hour away for some rims about 5 diffrent times. Every single time we sat there talking to the owner for an hour and finally we get a reply like " oh I junked those a week ago" " oh I changed my mind". Needless to say I gave up with these morons, I'm kinda surprised that when we were doing these trips we didn't wind up in the bottom of a well putting lotion on our skin.....
I've made enough money on Craigslist that it's worth dealing with the *******. I've had my fare share of no shows and complete idiots tho also.

What did you have advertised that he replied to?

You could always have a little fun with him since you have his email address now. Maybe advertise a Ratrod super cheap with his email address, or maybe he needs a "date"
I like the typos. The ones in the sunday paper or thrifty nickel dictated over the phone were the best
My favorite was an ad for a "12 volt possi" I called them up looking for Western wear.:p
I like the typos. The ones in the sunday paper or thrifty nickel dictated over the phone were the best
My favorite was an ad for a "12 volt possi" I called them up looking for Western wear.:p

Typos.:rolleyes: Recently seen, "Three hunderd hors injin". What? You have Chief Sitting Bull for sale? [S

ho ho
my arch enemy
we meet again!
hammerlocks at 20 paces?

Better yet, let's team up and take care of this Hassan Chop guy...
