bob w
Still crazy after all these years!
The T-Man needs a Sticky in th B.S. Lounge where he can instruct, cajole and kick against the pr--ks.
ok, so a wealth of information, but as far as the comment on a cubit and 1/12th and all that..... a cubit according to all i understand (biblical-type education) a cubit is about 18" -not 12" it was based on the average length of a man's fore arm--elbow to end of fingers... using Goliath as an example, the KJV says he was 6 cubits and a span... a cubit being approximately 18", and a span was about 9 inches, or the distance from tip of middle finger to base of the wrist.... accordingly, the guy was almost 10 ft tall...
and to add to Samfear's comment... the Farenheit system does have something to do with saltwater--the freezing point of seawater is 0 degree farenheit... the "ratios" within the system i do not know ...
So what's your point on a car forum? [S
and to add to Samfear's comment... the Farenheit system does have something to do with saltwater--the freezing point of seawater is 0 degree farenheit... the "ratios" within the system i do not know ...
wow you know all of that and I can't even figure out my new watch I just got!!!
metrics- It is easier to work with across the sciences.
I was never taught the background of how the old measurements were discovered so I always thought of them as needlessly complicated...
But the empirical measurements we used prior to the metric system have a rich history of discovery that is lost with their dismissal that is not taught in school. they just teach you how to use it, not where it really comes from.
Now for some real mind benders....
I bet you think time really exists like there is an actual past present and future...
What if the only thing that exists in the physical world is NOW and there isn't any scify past or future to travel to?
You ask anyone to prove time exists and they will point to a clock and say see! time!
You assume that a clock is time or represents time. Maybe it's just a circle with degrees and 2 lines that rotate around the center.
I'd say that the past and future are only mental constructs the mind has created to resolve memory(past) from experience(present) and imagination(future) so you don't go mad and that time is only an idea not a thing or a place.
But I always just accepted that time was real because I was taught to without ever thinking for myself about it and spent years contemplating the many intricacies of time travel without ever once questioning the existence of time itself.
Same thing with Gravity. were taught it is a force or a field. what if it is not? Why doesn't the "gravitational field" couple with that of electricity or magnetism?
What if it is just the result of something else going on which we cannot see?
magnetism... you assume the magnetic field of a magnet is a property of the magnet. that the field moves when you move the magnet...
Truth is (mind blowing) that the magnetic field is a property of space that the magnet is in... When you move the magnet the magnetic field remains fixed in space but collapses (at a certain speed) and a new field is created at the new location of the magnet... You are not moving the field you are moving the magnet which abandons the old field and creates a new field.
Point is this. You assume it is as it appears because you were told it was this way and you never questioned it
My original post about the metric system which led to this thread was in response to a guy being intimidated by modern tech and getting a sky hi repair bill. I highlighted how just because something is new that it isn't created out of new knowledge just out of new styling and application of legacy tech and not to be intimidated since all cars old and new are built from the roughly same tech even though there is this prevalent BS out there that new things are created out of some mysterious secret sauce only a factory trained expert has knowledge of so don;t just accept what your told think for yourself, the problems are easy to solve
Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity, it is turtles all the way down.
(apologies to Russell and Sagan)
The half smart people can be the dumbest plods in the world and might see your theorizing as an attack on their grasp of knowledge. Though super bright people are aware that the only thing that is set in concrete is the foundations of their house so they may be more likely to sit back and evaluate the considerations you are posing.
But getting your hands dirty while building a rod is much more fun.![]()