He's not done yet...
Awesome, looks like a great start to a good workspace!
I suggest for the lights, I used some 2x4 4 bulb florescent lights from home depot, they come complete with the bulbs for pretty cheap (cheaper than buying the fixtures and bulbs separately).
I screwed the housings to my garage ceiling so they can be easily removed later when I move...
There are some 2x4 fixtures in the basement that I am going to be taking out to the shop, also there are 2 2x8 fixtures in the shop. Only one working, the other has no bulbs. Going to move those to be in line and put the 2x4s on the other side. Need to go get a bunch of bulbs to fill them up.
My little slice of paradise is filling up pretty fast!!!!

Once I get some stuff put away it won't be so bad. Nice to have it all at my own place though....