Neutralizing Gas

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2018
So I have a original gas tank on my 29 Model A, which I want to keep in place.
I would like to neutralize the fumes without contaminating the tank.
I have seen that steam might be the way to go?
Your thoughts, Thanks
using a vehicle outside stick a hose connected to a running car's tail pipe, and the other end of the hose into the tank and let the car run until all the gas has evaporated.

between the heat of the exhaust and the carbon monoxide, it should be safe to clean and weld on if need be.
My 2 cents

Pump the tank with CO from a running engine a.few min the put some fire in it, i use my plumbers tourch. It may pop but you won't die. If been doing the 48 yrs i've been a firefighters.
Some will say i'm crazy, and they would be right.
Good luck and have fun :p
My first thought was Beano [ddd. On a more serious note, I use a shop vac to blow fresh air into a tank to eliminate fumes and then I blast in some argon or CO2 to be on the safe side before welding. Do not suck the fumes through the shop vac or you will risk a fire because of the sparks from the brushes in the motor.
So I was telling a friend about flooding the gas tank with car exhaust as suggested. He said you must do the procedure every time you spark in or around the tank. I thought it was a one time procedure?
Thanks, I would appreciate some clarity here.
It is a way to displace the flammable fumes while you work on it, it will not completely flush the fumes, so it is good to do it each time, or a few times. The more you do it the less flammable fumes will remain in the tank. For TiG, I run C02 through as I am welding. To reduce volume, I may fill the tank partly with water as well, depending on what part of the tank I am welding.

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