I am going to assume some may know this. But if some don`t.
If you have to use new shiny metal pieces on yer rat rod there is a way to create the rust look. Use a glass container, (must be glass) put in bleach and then put your shiny piece in. After a few hrs. it will get a fuzzy rust colored coat on it. Next day wipe off fuzzy coat and put back in to bleach. Repeat till you get the desired look.
I suggest a test first. Glass jar with lid, put in bleach, put in NEW nail, put on lid and observe a few days.
I do not know what if any thing to use but glass. On a big piece you might brush with bleach. Could also use browning solution as you would put brown finish on a rifle or scatter gun.
If you have to use new shiny metal pieces on yer rat rod there is a way to create the rust look. Use a glass container, (must be glass) put in bleach and then put your shiny piece in. After a few hrs. it will get a fuzzy rust colored coat on it. Next day wipe off fuzzy coat and put back in to bleach. Repeat till you get the desired look.
I suggest a test first. Glass jar with lid, put in bleach, put in NEW nail, put on lid and observe a few days.
I do not know what if any thing to use but glass. On a big piece you might brush with bleach. Could also use browning solution as you would put brown finish on a rifle or scatter gun.