thanks to all who replied.
A lot more response that I thought I would get. All have interesting posts.
One person ask, "would you really shoot someone? I assumed this was to all. ME !!! If my gun comes out and I DEEM IT NECESSARY your going to hell, so kiss your ass good bye!
I also assume some of you are like me, nam vetern. So no doubt what will happen when and if necessary. I am proud of serving but nightmares still haunt me at 71 yrs. of age.
I believe a mention of kids and guns. My son, now 38 yrs was taught from an early age about guns. He learned where they were, which were loaded, of course safety, how to safely use them. Incase he needed to protect his mother when I was not there, mom knows how to shoot too.
My son and I taught grandsons about guns beginning early. When curiosity get the best of grandsons they ask, "can I look at the guns?" I unload them remove clips and they can handle and look.
I`m not putting down anyone just conversation.