I chang oil for a living, basicly! I work at a HONDA dealership!
They don't recommend 10,000 miles, most of the newer cars have a maintinence minder! Reccommends when you should change you're oil!
It starts at 100% goes down as the miles go up! Style of driving, highway,
or whatever else is programmed into the system! The harder you drive the faster it goes down! It will go around 10,000 miles before getting to zero if you drive conservatively! Usually it will go about 7, to 7500 miles or so!
It will also recommend a service at 20% thats usually about 5 to 6000 miles!!
Our service advisors and our dealership recommends oil changes at 3,750 miles!!
Now having said all this I'll tell you waht I think personally:
1. I beleive the biggest danger with oil is dirt, not breakdown! (unless your running the car too hot).
2. I change a LOOOOT of oil, and it starts getting dirty in most cars around
4,000 miles or so!
3. I change my own oil at 4500 to 5000 miles!
4. At 7000 miles the oil is always VERY dirty!!
5. I don't like the idea of running synthetics unless you're willing to change it at 4 to 5000 miles!! So it's a wast of money! IMO
6. If you go ten thousand miles it is black as coal, I wont do it!!
I know everyone has their idea what is best and thats fine!! But believe me
I change a lot of oil, and pay very close attention to it, anything over 5000
miles and it's probably going to be pretty dirty!!