One mans eye rant

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2008
Tucson AZ
Yeah one mans eye sore is another mans ohhh look at that! Well used to be anyways. Our little village has decided that we dont want eye sores in this area so they implamented a ban on any non registered or non operable vehicle sitting outside. You cant have it in your back yard with a tarp over it or in a car port. It has to be in an enclosed garage completely out of site. Personaly I dont have a problem if its an old clunker up on blocks for a year but when money is tight and it may take a week or two to fix your broken car they should be able to slide. You get a warning when its reported and then a few days before the car gets towed and you get fined. So on top of repairs that you have to pay for now you get to pay a fine, towing and storage fees. There was huge opposition but it passed anyways. Just kinda scares me when thinking whats next? Are they gonna make it illegal for trucks or trailers to be parked outside? There are areas around here that have done that. Little freedoms seem to be dwindling away.
When I moved to Cape Coral Florida in about 85 I had a Chevy van. My new neighbor came over and said "I see you've never lived in the Cape before, you aren't allowed to have a van here." I thought he was joking but he told me the Cape had a no pickup truck no van ordinance and you had to park it in your garage. Mine didn't fit in the garage, and at about 3 am one night a cop snuck up and ticketed me.

What caused this was some Councilman was mad because a neighbor brought home a roofing truck with shingles falling off of it one night so he proposed an ordinance banning trucks. But the letter of the ordinance read TRUCKS, of all sizes, even pickups and vans. That law was on the books for years because the old farts kept voting for it, after all, they had already had their lives so why should anyone else have any rights![S The stupid part was, I could park my old work car right in front of my house, but my neighbor couldn't park his brand new $ 30,000 pickup in front of his.

Enough young people finally moved to the Cape to overturn that dumb law a few years ago, but it is just an example of how do-gooders can pass these laws to "protect property values" and keep things like old cars and boats from being kept on the property you own and pay taxes on. I'm not advocating having 4 old cars up on blocks in your front yard, but if it is in your back yard, covered up neatly, who is it hurting?

Another guy was fined in Cape Coral because he came home for lunch and forgot to take the magnetic business sign off of his truck doors, and commercial vehicles are banned. Land of the Free!! LOL

They have an ordinance in our town that any vehicle sittin in your yard has to have current license. I always have had old vehicles sittin around my shop and one day some guy from the city told me they were gonna fine me for it. I told him that my shop is commercial property (which it is) and that he could kiss it. The city never bothers me anymore about it and its been 10 yrs since I was comfronted about it. Some people just drive around here and find people like me who have stuff around, then go tattle to the local government just to see if they can get ya in trouble. Get a life. Only in America can 1 person ruin it for everyone.
This is why your Founding Fathers created a Republic, NOT A DEMOCRACY"

Here is a short definition of these two terms.

Republic: To live by the rule of law, where all have there equal say in a court De Jour. Meaning a court of the people by the people.

What you have now is called a Defacto Court.

Democracy: A system where you can have your rights voted away by a majority. Basically a gang mentality.

All your major media has everyone convinced you live in a democracy, yet very few actually know the meaning of that word, and even worse that your country is in fact created as a democratic "REPUBLIC". There is a huge difference.

If you want your rights back you have to do you due diligence and study what the schools no longer teach us.

Here is a good place to start.
Actually our form of governement is a republican democracy. In simple terms, this means we elect officials to represent of interests at the seat of government. If we lived in a true democracy we would have to vote for every law that was passed. AS all of us know sometimes the system is preverted by special interest groups or apathy of the people. Most states have laws that we normal citizens can get measures placed on the ballots thus circumventing the representatives that we elected.
Yeah one mans eye sore is another mans ohhh look at that! Well used to be anyways. Our little village has decided that we dont want eye sores in this area so they implamented a ban on any non registered or non operable vehicle sitting outside. You cant have it in your back yard with a tarp over it or in a car port. It has to be in an enclosed garage completely out of site. Personaly I dont have a problem if its an old clunker up on blocks for a year but when money is tight and it may take a week or two to fix your broken car they should be able to slide. You get a warning when its reported and then a few days before the car gets towed and you get fined. So on top of repairs that you have to pay for now you get to pay a fine, towing and storage fees. There was huge opposition but it passed anyways. Just kinda scares me when thinking whats next? Are they gonna make it illegal for trucks or trailers to be parked outside? There are areas around here that have done that. Little freedoms seem to be dwindling away.

It's the same in just about any city you live in nowadays. It's the same way in Nashville. If you can garage it then your safe but let the ordinance Nazi's catch you without a tag in the driveway or anywhere else on you property and your going to answer to the man.

Funny thing about this is that my ex's live in girlfriend is a real gearhead naturally, and she's always dragging some old p.o.s. truck home to resell. I tried to tell her "You can't park it here or they will bust you!" Well she blew off my warning. The next thing you know, they got served and had to pay a $50 a day fine for the nine days they left a crappy old minivan in the yard. [cl Talk about LMAO when I found out! That's the one time I was glad for the ordinance. :D

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