There's an old thread here on RRR that has some fenderless '35-'36 Ford sedans on it. They can be made really cool.
Saaaaaweeeeeeeet! Congrats!!! [cl[cl[cl
well i guess the lucky part of your name is correct. whats the plans ?
At least you didn't have to travel across the country to get it....[cl
Here it is. This thread has me searching for a body. Luckily I never found one. (Too many projects).
Right on thanx Bob!!! Yeah I knaow a few guys around here that too many projects goin on but they won't give any of them up
see ya tomorrow afternoon!
It's a '36? VERY cool looking car. congrats!
Nice score. Look forward to watching what happens to this.
Nice snag, that will be a great project for you. It reminds me of an issue of Rod & Custom from a few years ago. Thom Taylor did a design study on a few cars, this being one of them. He had cut the roof off, shorted it by removing the rear seat area, and wedge cut the bottom. looked like about 5 or 6 inches at the front and 3 or 4 inches at the rear. It looked really cool as a roadster deal. I'll see if I can find that mag and scan the pics for you.