Please do not try to circumvent the profanity filter!

Rat Rods Rule

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Sam is right, our posts are seen by many who are just passing through, we don't want to offend anyone. Just say what you feel and don't worry about the grammar, we'll figure it out eventually![S:D And Sam, I'm horrified, you spelled grammar wrong!:D:D......CR
I was just messin with ya! Hope you didn't take offense![S...I used to work on a construction site that had a superindendant that couldn't spell to save his life. You had to read the notes he would leave for you out loud and pronounce the words as he had written them in order for them to make any sense! Kind of like "hooked on phonics".The scary part was that he was a high school graduate!......CR:D
There are swear words and then there are swear words. Some are just worse than others. I'm not exactly an angel and have been known to say some choice words when I hit my thumb or sometimes just shooting the breeze with the guys. But I am pretty amazed at how casually some words are thrown around these days............especially in mixed company.

In fact, a guy I work with had his two small kids at work one day and he was talking as if he was in the pool hall with some buds. It really shocked me because kids tend to see us as their role models and if they think that kind of language is ok in pubic they will grow up to do the same.

I'm no prude, but I find forums like this one that keep things civil very refreshing.

the worst I have ever seen was when I was picking my 5 yr old up from school. There were a couple of loud mouths yelling 50 ft down the halls, F-words and more. It was the parents!! Not a one time occurrence either. Does it get any worse? And it was one of the best grade schools in the city.
I have a bud that every other word he says is the f-word. He has 2 small boys & I told him... u better stop sayin' that because u're kids r gonna slip up @ school, let one fly & u are gonna b SO embarrassed. He was!!! They're like 'lil computers & although u may think they're not paying attention... believe me... they are & hear *every* word u say!

Lotsa good points brought up here...

Kudos to THE MOD for starting this post as a gentle reminder...

I already "check" myself when posting in a thread for say, HRP. No reason not to just behave always. SamFear is right, "The World Is Watching.";)

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