thanks every i let her know that you all sending her prayers and toughts and she was very touched, Her babys name is Garrett
And thanks again guy/gals you guys are much like family xx
Not to pry, but did Garrett have some birth related problems or did this just happen out of the blue?
When my twin Sons were born 41 years ago they had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks because they were premature and underweight. One morning my wife and went in for our regular visit and the nurse said "We almost lost Dan last night, he had some respritory problems !" Those were the scariest words I have ever heard, and they came back to me when I read your post about Garrett.
They are so fragile when they are so young. I have tears in my eyes reading about Garrett's passing.
Sorry to hear about that for sure!
I can't imagine losing any one of my four kids!
Prayers have been prayed and will continue to pray that God blesses you and all of your family in a special way!
Having laid to rest my twin sons many years ago and almost a third son 7 years ago it breaks my heart to hear of news like this. My familys prays go out to your family. God bless
thank you everyone very touched at how many of you took the time to send thought prayers and little messages of hope to the family it does help even thou it may seem small even the simplest thing make a diffrents.