I installed my triangulated 4-link set up on my project this last weekend. The lower bars are 14" long and the uppers are 12" long. When I moved the axle through a simulated 12" of travel my pinion angle stayed within the desired parameters. When I moved it through an 8" travel the pinion angle only changed 1/2 degree. My set up looks like what you might find under a midsize GM car (monte carlo, buick regal, cutlass) it's all about bar placement.
My lower bars have an uphill 3 degree front higher than the back and the uppers are the same. This is taken at ride height, for the street it will work just fine. Don't get me wrong it's not just a get you by set up, but one that will actually function as intended.
Good luck on your decision!!
Oh by the way, my axle centerline from the back of cab is only 20".