Country Misfit
I tell you... I get no respect!
Sears has tools on sale.Some stuff 1/2 price. I got some goodies today.
After looking closer,this socket set is made in China. The paper-work inside says made in USA. So I guess just the paper-work was made + printed in USA.
Not looking to start a debate, but highly disagreed with you there. You're not forced to do anything. It's simply a matter of satisfying your wants or stepping back and looking at the bigger picture. What we do with our wallets, our patronage and our votes will play a big part not just in our households, but in the future of the country that flag represents...
i have noticed that too.Sears is ready to fold, you can say you heard it here first. They have been non existent for years now, and have lost their focus. Their tools suck any more, the chrome peels off as soon as you bump the tool and they give you some rebuilt tool instead of handing you a brand new replacement.
I went into Sears about a month ago to buy some Dockers and there were 3 cars in the parking lot, one of them mine. I went there again last week to fill out some missing sockets and stuff from my tool box, and there were maybe 7 cars in the whole lot.
The employees are rude and look like they could care less. 2 and 3 of them are always huddled around talking while you try to find someone to help you.
I have a $300 aluminum jack that Dan bought me for a gift a few years ago and it settles down on it's own. I took it back and they said their lifetime warranty is only for HAND TOOLs !In the meantime, my HF jack never leaks or settles down.
Like I said, I bet they are not around 5 years from now.