bob w
Still crazy after all these years!
Well Snake, I think it's aged enough now. Time to get back in the harness.
Maybe Photobucket had a change of heart?
Well Snake, I think it's aged enough now. Time to get back in the harness.
Snake Farm. Thanks and more thanks
Thanks for the entertaining thread. I just read all 49 pages over this last week.
I am amazed you took so many pics of this thing in the 80s doing the top chop. Back when you had to go have them developed and stuff. And then kept this awesome truck till rat rods became a style.
And more thanks for inspiration to keep at a project.
Now I can get back to my regularly scheduled web surfing/screwing off time.
[cl Good to see ya post again SF
Good to see you SF! [cl
I really enjoyed watching you build that house! By the way, How old is that grandson now?