Sheet Metal Brake

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2007
I think I need to buy one finally. What kind do you guys recommend? Is the HF one a total POS or would it be ok for some light work. I wouldn't be doing anything more than 18 gauge for now and I don't need to brake anything 4' wide. Any thoughts?
metal brake

how much is it. whats it made of. I use 2 pieces of angle iron clamped together parallel and 2 big cresent wrenches. I have never bent enough steel to warrant buying one. my old man uses this method, he does heating and air cond.
I bent the breakes on the bed of my truck with the two cresent wrench method and have used that way for years, 16 Ga, bends nice, and easy.
However I bend alot of other stuff all the time and use two other small breaks.
But I couldn't pass up the HF one the other day, 169.00, used a 15% off cupon, and bought it for 145.00
It seems to be okay, It is supposidly rated for 16ga, but seems a little light. I think it will work fine, as long as I don't get carried away and over load it. The good news is if I need to make it a little heavier, I can.
I have another one I built with hindges, that cranks pretty well, but seems to round the corners a bit.
We have two brakes. The first one my Son built. It is very heavy steel, reinforced lips and all that, and it was only marginally good. It didn't have the clamping force to keep the bend consistant all the way across, especially on heavier, wider pieces. It now sits in a corner.

We then bought a Grizzly 48 inch brake rated for 16 gauge. It has been very good. We have used it for steel sheets up to 18 gauge and 48 inches wide and the bends are clean and crisp. It has removable fingers so you can do box shapes too, not just simple bends. We like it a lot.

When we were in HF the other day we looked at theirs, and it would be fine for someone who only occasionally used it and didn't expect it to bend heavy stuff. The problem with all of them is the clamping force and not wanting to deflect under pressure.

Here is the one we have.



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I built mine ,it's a 5' brake .i'll put some pic's when i get time.
Harbour fraight has a desent one ,3' ithink.
Concreet cowbow has one from them and it works good.Its probly the best bang for the buck.
I have one of the small combo break/shear units from HF. Not the best quality in the world but it comes in handy. I built my bomber interior and some other things with it.
If you look in the special order book at HF, they have a nice looking box/finger break for about 4 bills. Im gonna buy it when i get the cash.
better late

Just caught this thread, and i finally have some thing to contribute other then stupid questions.

I build mine and it works fine. i made a pocket out of pipe and put a spring in the pocket and on top of the pocket to keep the fence up so it makes slipping the sheet material in easier. i need to reinforce the samller L channel but that is just a matter of welding is some gussetts.



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