I ran 10 miles today for the special olympics torch run. made a solid 6 before having to walk some. Now I am paying for it! oh, I am also 40 years old!
My memorial day went in the crapper right out of the gate. woke up late, got to the parade detail 1 hour late (just as they were stepping off), had no cover (hat) for the detail, went to my town and the chief said you are leading the parade, go home change uniforms (now I had a hat!), said it couldn't get worse (wrong!) worked on a jig to cut wheels, turned the fixture to big to self center on the rotary table (strike one) bored the mounting hole too large (strike two) bolted it all up and centered it on the rotary table and found the holes were too far out and hit the fixture so it wouldn't turn more than 90 degrees (strike 3. needs to turn 360) went up stairs sat down and watched TV (no beer to be had and by now I didn't dare drive to get some!)[cl