Sometimes you just get lucky!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
So i'm @ my vaca home for a few daze & come back home yesterday! I figure i better check the oil in the Ranchero B4 i leave & laid my iPhone on the back bumper to go get a paper towel to clean the dipstick! Yep... I forget my phone & as i was coming into downtown Houston an hour later i remembered putting it on the bumper & figure that's that but when i pull off the freeway i get out & unbelievably... my phone's still sitting on the back bumper where i put it! All i can say is... it's hell gittin' old but sure glad i dodged the bullet!!! :eek:

See thats the advantage of getting old,you forget you put it there but you no longer drive like a maniac so it stays. :D
I did that with a bottle of spray wax one time. Drove all over and when I got home it was still sitting on the bumper! Bet people behind me got a good laugh out of that one. :eek:

It's crazy how some things will ride like that. I once drove about two and a half miles with a quart of paint sitting on a step bumper........and a paint brush laying on top of the paint!

Another time I was following a service/welding truck when I noticed a big wrench......about a 2" box end open end..........laying on the back bumper beside the vise and hanging over the edge. He pulled into a convenience store so I pulled in behind him to alert him to the wrench he was about to loose. The guy just smiled and gave the wrench a kick with his didn't budge. :eek: I've had a lot of fun out of that wrench he said. ;)
Lucky dog! [cl I have left stuff sitting on cars before and it always falls off.:eek: I have left a wrench or two laying on a battery or manifold and found them later though.

Screwed up a couple of phones by dropping them, one outside and one inside. One I dropped outside, was getting out of the semi with it clipped on my belt, hit the door handle somehow, phone took a dive to bottom step. It still worked, but you couldn't hear on it anymore, had to use a headset. Other one I had in a holder on the dash, reached to get it to answer a call, dropped it, tried to catch it, broke the flip face slap off of it.
Cleaning the fire engine, got a call, 2 mile code 3 run (red lights and siren) and had a hot cup of coffee on the side step. That was good, it was cold out.[cl
Yesterday, I went and picked up some used oak lumber, and tied it down to my trailer. I left a hammer laying on top of the load, and drove off. I hit a big bump in the road, and looked in the mirror to see my good hammer fall off the trailer, and land in the road. I went to the next driveway, and got turned around, and had to wait for tons of traffic, including several semi trucks, driving towards my defenseless hammer, laying in the road. I got out on the road, and drove down to a driveway near the still untouched hammer. I got out of truck and had to wait for one car, so I cold walk out in the road, and retrieve my still untouched hammer. Then BAM, the car ran over the handle and broke the hammer into. It is heck get old.

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