Sort of a funny story from yesterday.

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
May 11, 2007
fort myers florida
It wasn't funny at the time, but now that I've had time to cool off, it seems kind of humorous.........weird but humorous. :)

Yesterday Dan went to Sears and saw a rollaway tool chest on sale, so he paid for it and then came to get me to help him haul it home on our trailer. We drove back and before we went to the section where you pick things up we went into the store so he could show me the one on display he bought.

As we were coming through the store we saw a display of vinyl tote bags for tools and such on sale at $ 4.99. We really didn't need them, but we each picked up one anyway. We took them to the register and a Jamaican guy probably in his late 40's starts to ring mine up and it said $ 9.99. I told him it should be $ 4.99 and he looks at me like I'm nuts and says "No, it is $ 9.99." So I took him to the shelf to show him the tag.

When we got there he takes the tag off of the shelf and says "This sale ended on the 14th (day before) I can not give it to you at that price." Now, I worked retail for 20 years and Dan did for about 10 years, so we know that if someone misses a sale tag you still get the price displayed. I politely told him that the tag was still there and I would appreciate the price being honored. Now he says in a firmer tone, "Sir, I TOLD you I can not give you this sale price, it it not me, but the store policy!"

Still being somewhat polite I said, "I understand, can I speak with the department manager then please?" In an even more agitated tone he says "No manager can help you, you are not listening to me." Dan said to him, also in a polite tone " Yes, managers CAN make those decisions, may we speak to a manager?" Here is where it gets weird. He looks at Dan and says "I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU, I WAS TALKING TO THE MAN WHO IS BUYING THE BAG!!!" My first inclination was to deck his butt, but I kept my cool and said "Winston (he had a name tag on) you and I are done talking, I want a manager NOW, and I don't want a department manager, I want the STORE MANAGER."

Most normal people would have gone off and gotten the manager at this point, but Winston wouldn't let up. He kept yelling louder and louder "YOU ARE NOT LISTENING TO ME!!" but now he is saying "I am going to sell you the bag for $ 4.99, I have been telling you that all along!!" :confused: At this point we don't even want the d*** bags, I want a manager so I can tell them about this jerk, but he is still coming up to me making all of this racket and saying he will sell me the bags.

Finally, I lose it and I didn't care who was within two blocks of us, I let him have it. I told him I worked the same sort of job he is doing for years, and he was the worst Associate I have ever seen in my life. I told him he had no business being in retail, or near the public in any way, and not only do I want to see a manager, I am calling Sears Corporate Monday AM an filing a formal complaint against his sorry butt.

He finally called a department manager, and she was somewhat apologetic and gave me the Corporate phone number. But this morning I called the local store and spoke to the Store Manager. Needless to say, he was shocked, and asked me to send him an email so he could call Winston in and talk to him. I hate to do things like that, and I know how hard retail sales can be. But there is no reason to ever treat any customer like that.

Customer Service is not what it used to be. You don't get a "thank you" when you buy stuff. You don't get your change counted back to you, just handed to you in a wad. (insert lots of remember when stories here.)
I would of hit him in the face haha.:D

Ya know, when he said "shut up" Dan and I looked at each other in disbelief, I think we were too shocked to do anything. Finally, I said "excuse me, what did you say?" and he backpedaled a little bit. But then he got right to it again.

I never play games with another persons job, it is too hard to find good ones any more, but this guy was so outrageous that I had to file a formal complaint. Dan and I were talking about it tonight on the way to the shop, and we are still not believing that this actually happened.

What a jerk.


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