28 Litre, or 28,353 c.c., or 1,730.2 cubic inches, or 432.54 cubes per cylinder, it only had 4. 190mm bore and 250 mm stroke, in english thats a bore of 7.48", and a stroke of 9.84". A Ford 5.0 litre or 302 cubes had a bore of 4.00" and a stroke of 3.00". A 572 Big Block Chevy has a bore of 4.500" and a stroke of 4.500". 3- 572 cube BBC engines would only be 1716 cubes with 24 cylinders, the BEAST is 1,730 cubes and 4 cylinders. Hope that helps put things into perspective. Yes, its time for my meds.
I thought this was very relative to the Speedster thread. A graphic explanation of why cars lean and tires look oval in old photos. It's because of the camera used - a camera with a focal plane shutter (a slit) moving from bottom to top. This is the animation - I linked to it because it is a 1.3Mb file: http://www.photoplaza.nl/lindolfi/Lartigue3DSlit.gif
Jacques Henri Lartigue famous photo. The animation is by Lindolfi from the LFP Forum.