Zip-Tie Mechanic
After doing some investigation of the 50 2 door sedan I picked up I have decided to fix the sub-frame job, it doesn't looks safe and also is very ugly and looks to be hurriedly done. [S
That's one ugly job and it looks like a single weld to hold it together [S.
Your plating both sides, yes?
Have fun [cl
Yeah, that's ugly. Is that going to raise it 4"? How low is the body now? It looks real low.
Are the frames the same size? If you can't insert one into the other, I'd cut both square to mate up, and slip a piece of tubing inside that fits snugly. Before I joined the two sections, I'd drill holes in both for some plug welds to the tubing inside. Then I'd weld the butt joint on all sides, grind it down smooth, and fish plate the inside and out side. That way, you'd have essentially a double frame at the joint, with the fish plate for added strength.
Even if you have to weld up four pieces of flat plate to make a piece of tubing to use inside you'll be stronger that way.
The way that is now, the original frame will dig into the first speed bump you try to cross.Better to lower it with drop spindles and springs then.
My way might sound like overkill, but I rather it be safe and strong and a little heavy as too weak and break going down the road at 70 MPH.................
I agree with Bamamav. Do it once, do it right! I needed to extend my frame so I cut off half of each piece then overlapped them. I drilled holes and rosette welded the inner plates. At that point I had about 5/16" of steel which allowed me to up the MIG voltage and make a really hot weld to join the 2 pieces together. I didn't feel a need to plate the outside as I have a 1500 lb roadster. Yours is probably 3 times that weight so it'd probably be a good idea to plate as much as possible.
that's all I can say... tune in for more updates later
Let me guess, they just shoved some rec tube into the front sub and barely welded it together? And the welds were cold?