The internet........who'd a thunk ??

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
May 11, 2007
fort myers florida
Ok, I'm old, but I remember years ago seeing Al Gore on TV talking about some "Internet Highway" thing and wondering what the heck he was talking about. He might as well have been discussing nuclear fission or brain surgery.

Some time after that I went to visit my Son at his place and he told me he had bought a computer. He was saying about all these neat things you could do with it, and he sat me in front of it, logged on to Ebay, and told me to put anything in the search I wanted. I put in "hot rod" and all these neat parts that I loved appeared magically on the screen ! :eek: Stuff that I would have had to search years for suddenly were available to me just for clicking a box on the screen.

Every time I would visit him I would spend most of the time glued to his computer, mostly looking at Ebay and ordering stuff. Finally, I went out and bought my own computer and began to buy and sell on Ebay. One day Dan said to me, "Did you know there are car forums on the internet ?" I didn't but he logged me on, and I was hooked. In the beginning I didn't understand forum protocol, and said some things that offended a few people, and they put me in my place. I finally figured it out and now try to think before I say something, because sometimes words in print come out different than you meant them. :eek:

The bottom line is, I can't imagine what my life would be like without a computer and the net. I spend a lot of my day sitting in this chair, and can find any subject I want with just a few key strokes. How long to cook a roast? Push a button. How to reset the oil reminder in my car ? Push a button. No more going to the library to dig up information, it is right in my bedroom.

Maybe this technology stuff isn't all bad after all ! :D

I agree totally Don, it even enables people from right around the world to talk to each other. I realised computers were going to be essential for the future way back in 1981 so that's when I got my first computer, it had twin 5 1/4 floppies and no hard drive. I used to use bulletin boards a little bit before Microsoft's Windows 95 made public access to the internet easy. I bought my first software from the author in L.A. through a bulletin board in 1993 and still have his programs. Back in those days before Paypal I had to get a cheque for the software from an Aussie bank with a branch in America and pay for it in American dollars, it cost heaps doing it that way. Long Live Paypal and the other ways of transferring monies between different countries.
I have been on the internet as we know it since 1996.
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without the net l wouldn't have met all the neat people here and l doubt the truck would be finished 'couse you guys and gals on the web have helped motivate my butt to get it up and running.:D

as many have stated thru the years, l can't imangine what life would be like without the wonderful thing we call internet.

Later :cool:
I totally agree... The Internet has been life changing for us all! My real estate company grew like gangbusters when I put our 1st page up July 1st, 1995... 1st real estate company on the Internet in Houston. Like a lot of people I started out on AOL & LOVED chat rooms. I learned HTML & still write it by hand and made a lot of really stupid pages like... 'Cat Food - The Other White Meat' which I received a cease & desist letter from the Pork Producers Council of America. I'm a big Elvis fan and made a page... 'Elvis is Still #1' plus about 10 or so others & got written up in many magazines back in the day when finding new pages was all the rage. That was B4 Google when Yahoo was the big lame search engine. My wife said I just used to irritate people from around here with my stupidities but after I got online I was irritating people all over the world!!! :eek:[ddd

I love forums & sites like eBay because like Don said... You can find nearly *any* part for your car online and have it shipped to u're door in a matter of days! B4 the net u'd have to physically go out to junk yards and find something if you were lucky... incredible!!!

Another big change are companies like Classic Industries & Year One that have catalogs for Novas, Camaro's, Mustangs, Chevelles etc that have nearly every single part for those cars. After they started producing Camaro bodies I think Year One build a whole '69 Camaro from their catalog!!!

And who would have thought there were so many krazy ratters all over this great country!?!

If my internet goes down, or I'm somewhere there isn't access, I start to break out in a sweat.
Once during hurricane, our power went out for 3 days. I ended up in a corner in the fetal position shaking & mumbling. It was awful.
There's probably an age cut off to this subject, but I was the same as you guy's!! I also remember making the statement, "I'll never own a computer"!!
My how times have changed!!

Only one question, I don't know if I'm smarter, or dumber because of it!![S
The internet has allowed me to scatter thousands of good rod parts around the world, and find quite a few for my own.
I was on a Ford site the other day and rattling off to some newb what all he needed to convert a 71 F-100 to power steering. Bam he had at his finger tips what it took me days and several trips to a junkyard to do back in the 80s.
Some of who are older remember when we had to work through some problem all on our own, or wait until the latest hot rod magazine came out with an article on how to do something.

All of us had some part that we knew somebody somewhere was looking for, but we never had a way to find them before the internet. Now a guy in Georgia and hook up with a guy in Texas who has just the part he needs and it is a win win for both parties.

And, like others have said, look at the long distance friendships we have all formed with each other. People we would have never known are now people we talk with and share our lives with every day. That is one thing I really look forward to every time I log on.

Who remembers the Thomas Register? I used to have the complete set and got my new ones every 2 years along with about 3 dozen yellow pages phone books in my office. Now I have none of that and I'm married to the most beautiful gal on the planet because of
I got up close and personal with Computers thru work...

We were one of the first "smaller" agencies to do reports via computer and we had one of the first LEIN terminals...(Law Enforcement Information Network) computers in own dispatch..(prior we got all our LEIN work from the Sheriff's dept)......none in the cars until later but no more hand writing reports...that was the beginning....around 1988....had the cool black screen with green lettering..... lol
Me too.

I agree with all you guys about the computer but......I still LOVE the junkyard! Ahhhh....the bugs, the snakes, the bees, the sunburn.....but I still love it.[cl[cl

Who remembers the Thomas Register?

Yep. How about a teletype or teleprinter? Volumes of Encyclopedias? Milk delivery? 2'' thick Sears catalogues? Do they still make those? Hardware stores?

Sorry, I get lost in my own helmet sometimes. All I know for sure, is I don't miss dial-up, (when you couldn't use your phone if you were online) the frustrating page after page searches, or the list of MS-DOS commands. :mad:
Had milk delivered by Twin Pines dairy....

Yep. How about a teletype or teleprinter? Volumes of Encyclopedias? Milk delivery? 2'' thick Sears catalogues? Do they still make those? Hardware stores?

Sorry, I get lost in my own helmet sometimes. All I know for sure, is I don't miss dial-up, (when you couldn't use your phone if you were online) the frustrating page after page searches, or the list of MS-DOS commands. :mad:

How about Party lines on the phones...pick up the phone to call someone and there was somebody talking already....said excuse me and hung up till they were done.....we had one when I was a kid.....Hardware stores with wooden floor.....had one....World Book encyclopedia...we had a set....cost a bundle..ahhhhh the good old days.....:eek:....
I still got a set of those world encyclopedi takes up like two foot of book case(from 1968!) maybe it's a collector item by now! Sgt pontiac you need another set?:D
How about Party lines on the phones...

A little before my time in the city, but visiting some relatives' farms, they had party lines into the late 70's. I seem to recall one uncle's place still had a wooden phone complete with a crank! How about single digit prefixes?

I still got a set of those world encyclopedi takes up like two foot of book case(from 1968!) maybe it's a collector item by now! Sgt pontiac you need another set?:D

[clI was over at a buddy's place on the weekend, and I see a set on a shelf in his garage. Huh? He does property management, and his daughter insisted they bring the set home from a move-out. Apparently, they're "vintage". :D
Haha, dial up was my first system and I remember my GF complaining because I had the line tied up and her kids couldn't get through. Boy was it slow too.


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