The internet........who'd a thunk ??

Rat Rods Rule

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Yeah but you didn't think so......

Haha, dial up was my first system and I remember my GF complaining because I had the line tied up and her kids couldn't get through. Boy was it slow too.


cause it was cool as heck....:D didn't mind waiting cause you couldn't believe the info you could find......yeah.....Thanks Al Gore for inventing the internet....LOLOLOL [cl
I remember my wife saying she didn't want no internet, now she's as bad as I am on it!

I went through two used computers before I bought a new one. First one I had to install windows 3.1 on it, the lady we got it from had only used MSDOS! Updated it to win 95 later on. Got on the internet with the second one, win 98, AOL dial up. Updated to 2000, then I bought a XP machine, still use it as a backup. Now I have win 7 and DSL, even have wireless in the house.

I remember I couldn't get over ebay when the boy came in from school and pulled it up. All those parts, cheap! Bought a bunch of stuff after I learned how to bid. Still do, just not as much. The fees and feedback have killed it for used stuff.

And these forum boards, wow. I have learned a lot that I didn't know, and got reminded of a lot that I had forgot. Met some good people face to face from them, too.

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