Old Iron
Well-known member
Is there a filter hidden somewhere that you've not found?
Is there a filter hidden somewhere that you've not found?
Is there a filter hidden somewhere that you've not found?
I missed, did you check the tank for crud? Pretty common for a vehicle thats been sitting a while to put crud from the fuel tank into the lines, filters, etc.
There may be an issue with the course filter on the pick up in side the tank.
I`m not sure what kind is in there but I had a problem like yours . Blowing air into the tank was no problem becaused the filter had a tear, but once fuel was pushing the tear closed up and the filter was clogged, so starvation...
Glad you found it. It’s been entertaining following along
I had a plugged fuel line on my 52 F1, I used a old wire liner from a mig welder uncoiled the end a little like a corkscrew and put the other end in a drill and run it from one end to the other, it cleaned out most of the varnish that had clogged the line
Cool fix. I'll try to remember it if I ever need it.