He recycles the right way
There was too much air space between the sheetmetal and the bell housing...that space is needed for a gas pedal.
so I broke out the cop car kick panel sheet metal to build a beefy, close fitting tunnel
I realized I didn't want to run it all the way behind the seats as one piece, so I added a center bulkhead to give it something solid to tie into in the middle of the cockpit.
I really didn't like that, so I cut it out
It needed to be straight across, so that it could be the start of the front of the seat. I had to add verticals to weld to.
I ran out of time, but I figured out/remembered that I needed to have a bulkhead that doubled as a seat front and that the spring boxes need to extend to that bulkhead.
I don't like the new tunnel either.... I think I like the trans out in the open better.
so I broke out the cop car kick panel sheet metal to build a beefy, close fitting tunnel

I realized I didn't want to run it all the way behind the seats as one piece, so I added a center bulkhead to give it something solid to tie into in the middle of the cockpit.

I really didn't like that, so I cut it out

It needed to be straight across, so that it could be the start of the front of the seat. I had to add verticals to weld to.

I ran out of time, but I figured out/remembered that I needed to have a bulkhead that doubled as a seat front and that the spring boxes need to extend to that bulkhead.
I don't like the new tunnel either.... I think I like the trans out in the open better.