Well-known member
damn youve been busy since i checked your thread nice work[P
Oh yeah, I picked up a used single chamber flowmaster muffler that I may use on Roofus. I was sticking it where my dad's hand is in the pic below. I would probably modify the "out" side to have two of the 2" pipes that go through the frame and then merge before they enter the cone shaped tailpipe. For the "In" side, I plan on merging the pipes before they get to the muffler.
I've never put a muffler that close to the engine before, not sure what it will do to the sound/flow.
I'm planning on heading to Dad's afer Christmas and working on the car a little more.
I had been planning on seperate seat backs kinda like bomber seats, but I was having a hard time figuring out what to do with the bulkhead/firewall behind the seats.
I think I may go with a single seatback kinda like this.
I like the photo shopped look too. Now if we could only see it sitting on the ground...