The wife brought some chicks home with her today!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Sorry about the O/T but I've raised birds all my life & baby birds are so dang precious I can't resist um! These are layers so looks like eggs for breaky in about 90 days! [dr



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Isn't there something "unusual" about...

loving farm Tripper....and Mrs. Tripper....I've just never seen chickens as pets..but hey...I'm a city boy...:D
We had a little farm when I was a kid and had chickens and roosters. Those roosters hated me and would chase me until my Grandmother would come out and shoo it away with her apron. :eek: Maybe it had something to do with the dirt clumps I would throw at them. [ddd

We had a little farm when I was a kid and had chickens and roosters. Those roosters hated me and would chase me until my Grandmother would come out and shoo it away with her apron. :eek: Maybe it had something to do with the dirt clumps I would throw at them. [ddd

Used to spend the summers with my Aunt/Uncle & 2 cousins. We raised chickens & had a big mean rooster. I was the youngest of the 3 boys & our rooster used to chase us constantly & especially me. One time he cornered me & would not let me out & after about 15 minutes of screaming for help, my Uncle came out & knocked that rooster's head off with a big stick. Sure tasted good that night!!! :D

The cool thing about having chickens as pets - they still taste like chicken. [dr

My Granny always bought her kids Easter chicks & when they grew up shey found their way to the kitchen table but my Dad said he found it hard to eat a family pet! :eek:

Hey Tripper, Are those R.I. reds? I should know but can't recall the ones that one of our daughters just brought home about three kinds of chicks. She is finishing up remodeling their lil garden out building for the coop. I think she's nuts but she wants happy chickens, they painted the inside of the coupe pastel colors.

Your story brings back memories about 'Bugs' our pet rabbit that lived under the sheep shed when we were kids. We tormented the living daylight out of that rabbit on our bicycles & sticks. Made him mean as a junk yard dog. You dare not walk up close to his place as he would chase &bite you. I got bit & so did mother but we never had rabbit for supper.
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My big girl laid her 1st egg yesterday & I ate it this morning! She pecked me right after I took this picture! I love chickens!!! :D



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