ya ain't gonna get nothing for it if no-one can drive it...
Right now it looks like every other dream turd on ebay or craigslist you see advertised for 12 grand that everyone laughs at
let me think...what's the one common denominator in all my failures....
I remember.... I spent the money, got everything I needed then gave up short of winning!
You f'ed it up somewhere and don't want to talk about it? Kinda like when you get to the end of a video game and realize that to finish there's something you should have done differently half way through that requires you to start over again from day one?
You ran out of ideas?
You don't know what to do past this point?
Every regret I have regarding any project centers around getting past the point of spending the money to the point of fit and finish where you just need to do the work to end it...and letting people talk me out of winning...and I dump it or junk it...
The prospect of finishing a project is no where near as disappointing as the lack of a market for an unfinished project other than for spare parts or scrap iron.
But if it means absolutely nothing to you and has no value, sponsor a friend who will do something with it. or at least mentor them on it.
As far as if there's a bug in your ear telling you to sell it to cash out... I don't see alot of money sitting there.
kinda like an economy commuter car or a cb radio or a tv... worth something if you can use it but it's made out of stuff worthless for anything else.
Does that inspire you?
It's way cool
I'm still saying finish it...or turn it into something operational that you CAN sell with your tail in the air