To answer your question - I'm afraid so.
I work one day a week at a hardware store. A couple of the guy's that work there are in their early 20's. They can't spell, count change or formulate a sentence without it looking like a text message. It's crazy but it is our future...
Our local schools have decided the teaching cursive writing is no longer necessary. So now these kids who are now doing things that require a signature are lost when they are asked to do so. I took some of our nephews to a motor sport event and bought them pit passes. They where required to sign a waiver and when asked to do so they was lost. Me and the lady who was taking our money where dumb founded.
Could of been worse, they could of located you in Upyours, IN
That is so funny, as I was reading this thread I immediately thought if all the misspelled tattoos.
A noob went with us to Sturgis 90 and got a tat that said "Stugis 1990". The next morning it was pointed out by another in the group, the artist was found and worked an R in there. Moral of the story "don't get a tat when your drunk from an unknown artist that is also drunk".
Guys... You must know that whatever country printed that pen, English wasn't even their second language.....