Looks like a Chev front clip on one or two of those examples you found in post #13 Torchie. Figure you will keep this build all mopar tin.
Thanks Crank.
I like the first one. Straight thru the hood and leaving the rear fender intact.
That was my dream at one time.
Mine as well. A short stay in collision repair changed my tune... in hindsight, I shoulda jumped a bus for SoCal.
How would it look if, with the mild chop, you leaned the whole rear area forward (instead of just the top 'hatch')? Too much like a Nomad copy? (The tail gate just looks too vertical to me, but I have absolutely no experience with this type of customizing.)
LOL. As always. All opinions welcomed.
That Idea has been tossed around a bit in my brain, Neto. But like my Dodge., if I was to do this I don't want to knock all the MOPAR out of it.
Here's a pic of the Corvette Nomad. It shows the slanted rear tailgate area you speak of.[cl
It's sad some people are like that. They'll hang on to it until it's not worth anything. Seen it happen around here a few times.