trouble getting to site

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
May 22, 2007
wasn't able to come on the site for a couple of hours today, had the same problem on another computer friday at work. both times i was in the site and had been to different threads then i start getting a error page. anybody having this problem?
Yeah I had the same problem the shakes, short of breath and frothing at the mouth. :eek: But like Sam, after chewing on some rusty metal and licking the white walls on my truck I got it under control. :D
Ok, Guys, we found the trouble. While Tripper was off playing Magazine Editor a new and horrible virus invaded out computer. We have taken care of it, but it took two bowls of milk and a squeaky toy to do it. :D


Yep same here. Couldn't get on for a while. Felt kind of lost and didn't know what to do so I pushed my chassis out of the garage and started cleaning:eek: now I can't get my chassis back in. :D damn garage has a lip[S

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