Crusty Rusty Old Rat Rodder!
If they try to screw you over tell them how bad you neck and back felt after the accident. Sign the medical release after you see the check for your vehicle. If they try to play dirty so can you.
If they try to screw you over tell them how bad you neck and back felt after the accident. Sign the medical release after you see the check for your vehicle. If they try to play dirty so can you.
Just talked to his insurance. They are taking full responsibility. Gonna send out a guy to give value of the truck..
Keep in mind the adjusters job is to protect his company. It's your job to present a reasonable & intelligent case as to the valve of your car.
He's not your friend but he's also NOT your enemy.
That said treat him like he was your friend. Respect goes a long way in negotiations. Be prepared to educate him and present a fair market price on replacement or repair +10%. He's going to low ball not unlike a used Car salesman. Don't be upset, be ready with your response of why you need "X" amount. Then let him "win" the +10%. Everyone walks away a winner (basically).